The Champion’s guide:
The Art of selling yourself.

APX Voices
Published in
2 min readMar 7, 2023

Joerg Rheinboldt, entrepreneur, investor and APX founder gives a little insight on how to sell yourself with your idea.


As a venture capitalist, I look for founders who have a clear vision and the passion to make it a reality. I also look for founders who are willing to learn and adapt, as well as those who are able to effectively communicate their ideas and goals.

Additionally, it’s important to remember that challenges will arise in the early stages of any business. It’s important to stay focused and persevere through the tough times. It’s also important to be open to feedback and to continuously improve and adapt your idea and approach.

Selling yourself with your idea is about more than just pitching to investors. It’s about building a strong foundation for your business and gaining the trust and support of your team, customers, and community. With the right mindset and approach, anyone can successfully sell themselves with their idea and turn their dreams into a successful reality.

And it is a step-by-step process: sometimes it is enough to catch the attention of a stakeholder with a very short elevator pitch, but it is important to be well prepared when the deeper questions follow.

As part of The Founders Initiative, I’ve put forward Sema Gedik, a fashion designer whose goal is to create equal access to ready-to-wear styles for people with dwarfism and other disabilities. She has such a modest and great way to sell herself and her idea: it blew me and everyone I so far connected her to away. If you’d like a little tip on how to get VC funding for your own start-up,

