APY.Finance Weekly Update (8/15–8/21)

APY Finance
Published in
2 min readAug 26, 2021

Progress Remaining for Alpha

Oracles & Pricing

  • [100% Complete] Chainlink Monitoring
  • [100% Complete] Oracle Emergency Systems

Platform Management

  • [80% Complete] Gnosis Safe
  • [75% Complete] Administration & Governance Tools


  • [90% Complete] Security Audit
  • [80% Complete] Security Updates

User Interface

  • [75% Complete] UX Testing
  • [95% Complete] UX Updates


This week, our smart contract engineers have scoped out all remaining remediations for our standard smart contract audit currently being conducted by Halborn. All other findings have already been remediated, or have a specific plan of action in place to tie off any loose ends, and complete the smart contract audit in preparation for its public release.

Platform Management

Following the completion of platform development pertaining to TVL management, our team has also completed preliminary asset allocation integrations for the following pools:


  • DAI
  • USDC
  • USDT

Curve pools

  • 3pool
  • AAVE
  • alUSD
  • BUSDv2
  • Compound
  • FRAX
  • Ironbank
  • LUSD
  • MUSD
  • sAAVE
  • sUSDv2
  • USDN
  • USDP
  • UST

The platform will now be able to track these pools, and mainnet testing regarding the integration of Curve and AAVE is underway. Next, we will deploy funds to begin testing strategy deployment, and the tracking of these deployed funds and earnings.

APY Token Farming

Uniswap Pool*

  • TVL: $3,296,921.96
  • APY: 31.00%

Balancer Pool*

  • TVL: $2,871,885.54
  • APY: 35.37%

APY DAI/USDC/USDT Liquidity Mining*

  • TVL: $41,742,380.41
  • APY: 14.43%

*As of 8/26/21, 5:49pm EST

Stay Up-To-Date

We appreciate your continued support as our team continues to work around the clock to finalize the Alpha build in preparation for release.

Follow us across our social channels to keep up to date with news and announcements.

