What Life Is Like At Apziva

Jo Vincent Ruiz
Published in
3 min readAug 6, 2020

A Little Introduction to Apziva

Apziva is a place of learning and growth. Apziva’s mission is to provide opportunities for one to gain real world experience in their desired field of work. At Apziva, we pride ourselves in working on projects in an environment that promotes experimentation, individual decision making, and collaboration. I have been working through the residency program as an AI Resident, where you are provided with an industry expert as a mentor to guide you. The mentor is there to enhance your experience with insight about the topics you will need to get around the eventual roadblocks that any project will face.

Project Based Learning

At Apziva, we believe there is no better way to learn than by doing the actual work. The learning experience here is based on working through projects to gain experience for “levels” on the platform. Just like a video game, the more experience you get, the higher your level goes. As you get to higher levels, more difficult and meaningful projects are unlocked along the way.

First of Many Projects to Come

Being a part of Apziva’s inaugural batch, my team’s task was to build a Job Recommendation Engine. We were responsible for the architecture of the app. From choosing the tech stack we utilized to the specific features for our users. We started fresh: No platform or algorithms, and gradually built towards our current resident platform, the hub of the Apzivan experience. As a team that has never before met, we set out to build version 1.0 of a Job Recommendation Engine that would help all future Apzivan’s to come.

Meet the Team

At the beginning of this project, the team started with 3 strangers and a mentor. After a quick introduction from our mentor, Semih, we were on our way to achieving our project goals. Our mentor’s role was to keep us motivated as well as provide guidance to whatever machine learning problems we ran into. The rest of the team consisted of three software engineers with varying levels of experience. As a team we not only learned about each other’s strengths and weaknesses, but as well as our motivations for bettering ourselves with the program.

What to Look Forward to

The meaning of this post was to give a bit of context about what Apziva is about and how things operate here. Stay tuned in the upcoming weeks as we dive deeper into what kinds of roadblocks we encountered, like our data problem, and the challenges we had to overcome to finish our project. (Working in a globally distributed team isn’t easy!)

If you are interested in learning more about the program check it out here, or feel free to reach out directly on LinkedIn.

