Quickly Leapfrog Competitors With An Analytics Springboard You Have Today

Turn your biggest headache into a sustainable core advantage

Mark Waller
3 min readNov 22, 2019


Problem: Reports indicate Digital Natives like Alibaba and Amazon, while battling each other for accelerated growth, are rapidly pulling away from well established traditional businesses.

Exploiting their digital chops to draw in increasing share of markets, they are splitting the field. New technology and insight-driven leaders unheard of just a few years ago are exhausting once-great household franchises.

Traditional businesses are in panic and chaos. Flying blind and slow, burdened with conventional ways of working and capabilities, they are competing for an increasingly sophisticated, rapidly evolving demanding and fickle consumer base.

Options and response windows for business leaders are diminishing fast at accelerated pace along with their customer talent and resource base.

Countermeasures are so far proving ineffective. According to digital success surveys, almost no traditional enterprise is winning with their respective talent team and technology upgrades.

It’s time to rethink your approach. Traditional businesses need to play their own game to their strengths on their terms to win. Emulating a digital native on their pitch cannot work. Ever. Using technology and data appropriately on a new pitch can.

The key for traditional enterprises to succeed in the digital era is to focus on the HOW of transformation. Do not only chase the WHAT technology deflectors digital natives and vendors are throwing off for your distraction.

The big question is: HOW do you take your current operations, loyalty, and momentum and propel yourself into a new era? How do you take your customers’ consumers and crucially YOUR TALENT and TEAMS on a journey of new experiences together?

The WHAT of technology will undoubtedly help, but it’s the HOW to get there — is where your home advantage lies.

Innovating the transformation journey is your key and something you instinctively know how to do deep down in your DNA. Modern digital natives don’t. Transformation is YOUR home game advantage. Play it well.

You are innovating the HOW of transformation. Maximize and multiply your current assets and momentum while creating scaling and absorbing new capabilities. You can surely redefine the game and play to win on your terms.

It’s a matter of perspective and focus. Your old systems and ways of working may not be up to scratch for the modern era, but you don’t have the luxury to start again. Think and act — HOW creatively.

The gameplay follows nature. Evolving comfortably into a new way of working before unleashing the forces of disruptive revolution is the natural way to progress. Just as with anything new from any existing base, focus first on evolution to start a new foundation, then building explosive revolution wins.

HOW? — You have already made progress. Take your digital vision for starters. Look to your existing asset base of talent team technology operations and market. Identify your strengths and weaknesses and map these to your most pressing growth priorities. Address the gaps with talent enablement through data and technology augmentation.

  • Talent armed with new insights and competencies can rapidly identify and free up scarce cash and capacity in the context of your current operations and priorities.
  • Adapt your ways of working. People and increasingly machines augmented with insights, data, and technology will always determine activities, outcomes, and how to achieve them.
  • Shape a new culture with a cycle of continuous growth from continuous intelligence. Adapt to constant change, with continual improvement. You have to start somewhere — make small, fast, practical, and insightful impacts.

Building from a new foundation, you will naturally grow from strength to strength. Your consumers, customers, teams, partners, and stakeholders will thank you for it.

AQOIA is innovating the HOW of analytics and digital transformations to give you the edge in digital. To learn more about IA|SmartWay and stay informed about crucial analytics trends impacting the How-to of analytics and transformation success subscribe today to our Insights Advantage bulletin.



Mark Waller
Editor for

Investor, Entrepreneur. Applied BizTech is improving our lives — and we’re going exponential! How we maximise this advantage is my mission.