An Absolutely Awesome VEX Robotics Summer Camp You Need To Know

Ahmet Tunga Bayrak
Published in
3 min readMay 5, 2020

My first experience with VEX Robotics was thanks to my robotics teacher at Science and Art Institution for gifted children who informed me about VEX Robotics Summer Camp. I and my several friends were very enthusiastic about taking part in VEX Robotics Summer Camp at Özyeğin University. We had done some research about VEX with my friends before the Camp and we had an overview of the VEX coding studio and the features of the robots. In Fact, I was quietly experienced with robotics since I was attending World Robot Olympiad and also FLL and we had some great accomplishments which I will write about in another article.

19–20–21 August 2019 Ozyegin University

On our first day in the camp, we were quite impressed by the environment and the energy people had. It was obvious that people were here because they loved what they were doing. The first thing we did was to settle in our dorm rooms which were quite spacious. After settling we were ready to explore the area and find where the courses took place. We had chosen the courses we were going to take before the camp to avoid any conflicts and we continued with the opening ceremony. After the opening ceremony, we had our first lessons about the courses we had chosen which were either programming or mechanics. There were also some obligatory lessons for participants about 3d modeling with Fusion 360.

19–20–21 August 2019 Ozyegin University

I had chosen the programming course instead of mechanics. The lessons were about the VEX coding studio and introduced us to the language used coding VEX robots. We could use both block coding and C++ for our robots. The lessons were very instructive and although I knew coding I learned using VEX coding studio and enhanced my coding skill even more. The following day was similar to the first day. We had our lessons and we also had a chance to travel around and explore Özyeğin University.

The most exciting part about the VEX Robotics Summer Camp was that we were to build our own robot in 3 days with our team and at the end of the Camp, our robot was going to compete with other robots. On the third day, I and my team were mainly focused on finishing our robot and installing the autonomous code to get the maximum point. Writing the autonomous code and the code for controlling the robot with a joystick was my duty. The code for joystick was not that challenging but the autonomous code required some more work and especially some more effort to do the calibration.

19–20–21 August 2019 Ozyegin University ROBOTICS TEAM FINAL

When it was time for the competition we were a little bit stressed and overwhelmed since we were working day and night for 3 days. The competition was fun and we learned new strategies from other robots. We had plenty of matches and we learned a lot while competing against other robots. Considering it was our first experience with VEX Robotics we did a nice job. We were awarded the 3d design award which we believe was satisfactory. This was my first experience with VEX Robotics and I and my team are very interested in your story. Feel free to contact Aquamatis and we would be more than pleased to get to know you and your team.

