AQUA wallets

Details about the main wallets of the Aquarius project.

Aquarius / AQUA
4 min readNov 21, 2021


Verifiable data is one of the most significant advantages of using a blockchain. It means that anyone can use a block explorer to see the balances of a wallet and any interaction the wallet has made within the related blockchain.

To help current or future AQUA holders keep tabs on the Aquarius project’s wallets, we are publishing this article so you can check them anytime with ease.

👝 Aquarius Wallets

AQUA liquidity rewards

Wallet: GBU44GPN………..I4L22DOM

Original holdings: 50,000,000,000 AQUA

Use: This wallet’s funds get used to reward Stellar DEX market makers and AMM liquidity providers. AQUA gets released to the SDEX & AMM rewards distributer wallets to minimize risks in distribution. AQUA reward incentives started in Q4 2021.

AQUA SDEX rewards distributer


Original holdings: 0 AQUA

Use: This separate wallet is used to distribute SDEX rewards. Funds are transferred in small chunks from the AQUA liquidity rewards account to minimize risks in distribution.

AQUA AMM rewards distributer

Original holdings: 0 AQUA

Use: This separate wallet is used to distribute AMM rewards. Funds are transferred in small chunks from the AQUA liquidity rewards account to minimize risks in distribution.

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The initial airdrop (AQUA airdrop 1)


Original holdings: 5,000,000,000 AQUA (split amongst 5 further wallets)

Use: This wallet is dedicated to the Initial airdrop, with 5 billion AQUA originally being placed in this wallet. This wallet’s funds were split into five new wallets due to the use of claimable balances in the Initial airdrop. Each eligible wallet’s reward got divided into five equal claims, with wallet holders needing to claim 20% of their reward monthly.

After the end of each phase, any unclaimed AQUA gets claimed into the community DAO fund for future use by AQUA holders. Below are the five wallets for each of the phases for the initial airdrop.

Initial airdrop — phase 1

Original holdings: 1,000,000,000 AQUA

All holdings have been placed in claimable balances for eligible wallets to claim between August 16, 2021 — September 14, 2021.

Initial airdrop — phase 2
Wallet: GCB5ZV25………..WAKHGKBJ

Original holdings: 1,000,000,000 AQUA

All holdings have been placed in claimable balances for eligible wallets to claim between September 16, 2021 — October 15, 2021.

Initial airdrop — phase 3
Wallet: GB6MOHEC………..XYQU7G2D

Original holdings: 1,000,000,000 AQUA

All holdings have been placed in claimable balances for eligible wallets to claim between October 16, 2021 — November 14, 2021.

Initial airdrop — phase 4
Wallet: GAXNVXZU………..IMT5256Z

Original holdings: 1,000,000,000 AQUA

All holdings have been placed in claimable balances for eligible wallets to claim between November 16, 2021 — December 15, 2021.

Initial airdrop — phase 5

Original holdings: 1,000,000,000 AQUA

All holdings have been placed in claimable balances for eligible wallets to claim between December 16, 2021 — January 14, 2022.

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AQUA airdrop #2


Original holdings: 15,000,000,000 AQUA

Use: This wallet is dedicated to the second AQUA airdrop.

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AQUA community DAO fund


Original holdings: 0 AQUA

Use: This wallet is dedicated to the AQUA community DAO fund. After each phase of the initial airdrop & airdrop #2, any unclaimed AQUA gets retrieved to this wallet. Funds in this wallet will be used in the future by AQUA holders, who will decide where these funds should go.

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AQUA voting & staking rewards


Original holdings: 5,000,000,000 AQUA

Use: This wallet is dedicated to future AQUA voting & staking rewards. When the voting mechanism of the Aquarius protocol gets initiated, those who participate in the voting process will get rewarded for locking up (staking) AQUA to secure their votes on the network.

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AQUA emergency fund


Original holdings: 2,500,000,000 AQUA

Use: This wallet is for emergencies.

We also use the emergency fund to pay bug bounties. If any user contacts the Aquarius team with a potential bug and it proves to be an issue for the project, the finder will receive a reward based on the severity & complexity of the issue.

Users can contact the team about potential bugs through telegram, discord, Reddit, or our email

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AQUA investors


Original holdings: 10,000,000,000 AQUA

Use: This wallet is dedicated to institutional investors who wish to support the Aquarius project. Investments will be placed into a 3 year vesting period.

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AQUA advisors & partners

Wallet: GAOBW72C………..D46M65KS

Original holdings: 2,500,000,000 AQUA

Use: This wallet is dedicated to advisors & partners for the Aquarius project. Rewards will be placed into a 3 year vesting period.

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AQUA founders & team

Wallet: GC25K7RG………..ICJZHW5G

Original holdings: 10,000,000,000 AQUA

Use: This wallet is dedicated to the founders & team behind Aquarius. Rewards will be placed into a 3 year vesting period.

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Aquarius / AQUA

A liquidity management layer for Stellar. Powered by AQUA token