

‘The struck of nail and every pierce in His hand, No one could tell how painful they are.’

Aquinian Herald Blog
Aquinian Herald


By Ronalie A. Atento

Art By Wendell Cilot

Blue, pink, black and white,
Different rays of bolding light,
Woven and knitted inside their mother, strengthened and filled with mightiest power.

From dust He formed, little babies were born.
Adam and Eve multiplied like sand in the shore.
He kissed them evenly like precious gems in His hand He took them seriously and paid for them.

The Cross, the shame no one could stand.
How mighty He is that He do not condemn.

The struck of nail and every pierce in His hand, No one could tell how painful they are.

Our sins and transgressions He paid them full
He does not condemn but traded them full
Oh sons and daughters of Abraham come back and see what He has done. He loves you fully, in this I stand.

Do you have literary and artworks you wanna share with us? E-mail us at or message us at our Facebook page!

