How my programming journey began

Alexandru Rosianu
Published in
2 min readJun 9, 2015

Since the day I discovered programming, it didn’t take long to say “this is it; I know what I want to do when I grow up”. But no, I didn’t wait until I grew up to try it…

The Early Days

I can still remember how I used to write VBScript files on my old Windows desktop with messages like “You’ve been infected!” and pretend they were real viruses.

I wrote my first “Hello World” program at the age of 12 when I discovered the C++ language. I was proud and amazed by my new magic power — converting code into programs. Meaningless at that time, but life-changing later on.

Then, I used my knowledge to create small scripts that would aid me in my homework at Physics. Instead of doing lots of repetitive calculations by hand, I had a C++ program do them for me. That was in the 6th grade.

Three years later, I built my first Android application for a funny weekly show with robots. You could use it to watch the episodes, download them and get notified when a new one was released. That’s how I learned Java — by diving head-first into Android.

After that, I worked on many personal projects. Some were failures, and some are still unfinished. But what I’ve learned is to have patience. Pretend you’re successful, and success will come to you.


I think that the universe is beautiful. I like calm and peace. I’m against violence. I like inspirational quotations. I believe in pantheism. “I’m in control of what happens next” is the most recently discovered quote, and I’m following it.


I like swimming and waking up early in the morning. I read articles and books about self-development, psychology, and programming. I also play computer games from time to time. I’m still trying to learn how to play the electric guitar. Whenever I can, I take part in contests, conferences or hackathons.


I work for an awesome startup called StarterSquad. I intend to found my own soon.

Note: this information is outdated as of January 2016.

