Proptee — A new look 🎊

Alexandru Rosianu
Published in
3 min readNov 24, 2020

Ben: I think we’ve got a problem. Our website is boring AF. Look at ours, then look at Revolut, or Robinhood, or this random app I found.

That’s how my co-founder Ben greeted me one morning, almost 3 weeks ago. I didn’t know how to respond—but I knew he was right.

It was right after we learned that we had been accepted for a Y Combinator interview, so we started planning how to make the most out of the 4 weeks we had left.

The most important thing in the interview is to show that we understand the market and our customers. Therefore, it was clear to us we needed to prove we have traction. And for that, we need a good website.

Our first website looked like this.

We built our first website in a few weeks. It did the job, about 15% of the visitors signed up on the waiting list, and after sharing it on Reddit and Facebook groups we received surprisingly positive feedback:

I signed up because once I grasped the concept I thought it was an amazing idea.

However, we also had a few worries:

  • Were we getting the right message across?
  • Do people need what we’re building?

Today we’re launching a new website. Sporting friendlier colours and overall a more approachable personality, we believe now it reflects our brand personality.

Our new website showing off the friendly green gradient.

A critical part of building the new website was learning from our visitors. The first website taught us a lot, mainly:

  • no one was reading the first section, which was explaining 3 (obvious) benefits;
  • people would often check the footer, probably for signs of trust;
  • and everyone loved the idea of getting paid monthly, so we highlighted that on our new version:
People love getting paid monthly, it seems.

We thought the new website would take us a week to launch. And we did get a rough version done in just a few days. However, coming up with good messages is hard. Making sure that details like colours, shadows, wording, and animations look good takes a lot of time.

We’ve been working on it tirelessly for 2 weeks and a half, and we’re still far from done. Even now as I’m writing this blog post, we’re still tweaking the copy.

So while we’re still not 100% sure people need what we’re building (we’re still learning), at least we’re sending the right message across.

Check it out at and don’t forget to join the waiting list! 😉

