Blog post #3: Target User Group Definition

Standard Yun
Published in
2 min readApr 11, 2023


To quickly re-state our project: we would like to …

(1) study why an AR-based smartphone game could be successful, focusing on the case of Pokemon Go (PG), to figure out what were some contributive elements on its success

(2) make a list of requirements from (1) — which are needed to be met for an AR-based smartphone to be successful

(3) apply the list we have created from studying PG to make a AR-based smartphone game prototype

Here, we have temporarily decided our prototype to be based on Harry Potter series (HPs), regarding the intuitive belief that an AR-based smartphone game needs some kind of that the user would actively want to get immersed into, and the interesting fact that there already existed an AR-based smartphone game with HPs-related stories.

Under these agreement among the team members, we have defined our two target groups.

Secondary Target Group: PG users

While we have the word ‘secondary’ in its name, this group would be researched firsthand to figure out WHY they were attracted to the game in the first place, and WHY they keep playing the game until these days — to figure out what is needed for an AR-based smartphone games to be successful.

Primary Target Group: HPs Lovers

Our primary target group is HPs series Lovers. Based on findings from the research on the secondary target group of PG groups, we would be able to identify what is needed to be known about the HPs and the lover’s perception upon it to make a successful AR-based smartphone game prototype.

