Blog post #4: Interview & Observation

Standard Yun
Published in
7 min readApr 11, 2023


To properly conduct our interview research, what our group want to find out was clarified once more as a list of a few statements that describe the objective and goal of the interview.

In case of the interview with the first interview with our secondary target group of PG users, we aim to take a look at the perception they have on PG, their reason for liking PG, their relationship with PG, their general experience with the PG application, and immersion-related experiences with PG application. To summarize, our goal would be to answer the following questions:

  1. How do PG users feel about the application? Why?
  2. What attracts the PG users in the first place, and constantly?
  3. What elements make PG fun and attractive to the users?
  4. How is the PG game used? How is the experience like?
  5. What is positive and what is negative?

Under this structure we have formulated, we came up with a detailed outline for the interview with our secondary target group of PG users:

[Perception and Relationship]

  1. When you recall the first moment you downloaded the PG application, what was the very core thing or reason you were attracted to it? In short, what made you use the PG in the first place? (포고 앱을 처음 다운 받았을 당시에, 무엇이 애초에 그 앱을 다운받아서 사용하고 싶다고 느끼게 만들었나요?)
  2. Why do you think you keep playing the PG even these days? (무엇이 포고 앱을 여태까지도 꾸준히 플레이하게 만드는 것 같나요?)
  3. Can you try promoting the PG by telling me some of the fun elements you find about it? (포고에 대해서 재미있다고 생각되는 점들을 알려주시면서 저에게 홍보해 주세요.)

[General Experience]

  1. Can you describe how you would use the PG application? (포고를 사용하는 본인의 모습을 묘사해주세요.)
  2. Regarding the overall usage of the PG application, how would you rate your satisfaction level? (전체적인 측면에서 포고 앱을 사용하는 것에 대한 만족도가 어느정도인 것 같나요?)
  3. What was positive about the PG application and played some role in enhancing your overall satisfaction level? (encourage them to tell about 3~4 elements) (어떤 점이 긍정적이며 전체적인 만족도를 높이는데 기여한다고 느껴졌나요?)
  4. What was negative about the PG application and played some role in undermining your overall satisfaction level? (encourage them to tell about 3~4 elements) (어떤 점이 부정적이며 전체적인 만족도를 낮추는데 기여한다고 느껴졌나요?)
  5. When playing PG, do you feel like you have really become a Pokemon trainer in the Pokemon world, at least to some extent? (포고를 플레이 할 때, 어느 정도라도 진짜로 포켓몬 세계관 속에서 활동하는 포켓몬 트레이너가 된 기분을 느끼나요?)
  6. Why do you feel so? (그 이유에 대해서 얘기해 주세요.)

[Immersion-related (AR, GPS) Experience]

  1. Do you use the AR function? (AR 기능을 사용하나요?)
  2. Why do you use (or not use) the AR function? (왜 AR 기능을 사용하시나요/사용하지않나요?)
  3. What do you think of looking for the Pokemon to catch with your camera on? How does it make you feel? Is it positive or negative? Why is it so? (Ask in separate steps) (카메라를 켜고 잡을 포켓몬을 찾는 과정에 대해서 어떻게 생각하시고, 어떤 느낌을 빋으시나요? 긍정적인 감정이 드시나요, 부정적인 감정이 드시나요? 왜 그런 것 같나요?)
  4. What do you think of the Pokemon being located in particular locations in the real world, using GPS technology? How does it make you feel? Is it positive or negative? Why is it so? (Ask in separate steps) (포켓몬들이 GPS 기술을 활용해 실제 세계의 특정 지역에 위치하는 것에 대해서 어떻게 생각하시고, 어떤 느낌을 받으시나요? 긍정적인 느낌이 드시나요, 부정적인 느낌이 드시나요? 왜 그런 것 같나요?)

Similarly, we went through the same process for designing the interview outline for our primary target group of HPs lovers. However, we believe that we would have to conduct the interview with the secondary target group of PG users first, in order to elaborate the detailed questionnaires. This is because we would first need to know briefly about the contributive elements behind a successful AR-based smartphone game in order to come up with questions to research about what those elements would be in the case of the HPs.

For now, we have defined our temporary interview outline, which is:

[Perception and Reason for Liking the HPs]

  1. When you recall the first moment you were attracted to the HPs, what was the very core thing or reason you were attracted to it? In short, what made you become a fan of HPs in the first place? (해포시에 처음 빠졌을 당시에, 무엇이 애초에 그 이유였나요? 왜 맨 처음에 해포시의 팬이 된 것 같나요?)
  2. Why do you think you keep liking the HPs even these days? (무엇이 해포시를 여태까지도 꾸준히 좋아하게 만드는 것 같나요?)
  3. Can you try promoting the HPs by telling me some of the fun elements you find about it? (해포시에 대해서 재미있다고 생각되는 점들을 알려주시면서 저에게 홍보해 주세요.)

[Immersion-related Thoughts]

  1. If you were a character in the HPs Lore, what would you like to do? (만약에 당신이 해포시 세계관 내 인물이었다면, 무엇을 하고 싶나요?)
  2. Why? (그 이유는 무엇인가요?)
  3. To do so, what would be needed to be prepared?
  4. How would you do so? (말씀하신 걸 하기 위해선 무엇을 준비해야 할까요? 어떻게 준비할 건가요?)
  5. Why? (그 이유는 무엇인가요?)
  6. How about in a daily basis? What would be your daily routine? (조금 더 매일 매일의 일상 측면에서도 생각해보세요. 해포시 세계관의 인물이 된 당신의 하루 일과는 어떻게 될 것 같나요?)
  7. Why? (그 이유는 무엇인가요?)
  8. If you could bring not the whole role but some segmentary elements or things from the HPs lore to actually exist here in the real world, what would you like it to be? (세계 전체 말고, 세계관 중 일부 요소나 물건들을 현실 세계로 가져올 수 있다면, 무엇을 가져오고 싶나요?)
  9. Why? (그 이유는 무엇인가요?)
  10. If you could collect some things or artifacts from the HPs in real world, what would it be? (해포시의 물건을 현실 세계에서 수집할 수 있다면, 무엇을 수집하고 싶나요?)
  11. Why? (그 이유는 무엇인가요?)

For the observation aspect, similar to the interview section, we will observe PG users and how they interact with one another in different communities:

  1. What topics do they usually talk about?
  2. What keeps the community active besides gaming aspect?
  3. How active are users?
  4. Who are the discussion leaders in the chat (Who leads, interacts the most) and Why?

Since PG is a game using the features of Pokemon, our group will also observe different Pokemon communities and observe similar aspects from PG users:

  1. What are the topics they focus on?
  2. What keeps the community active
  3. How active are users?
  4. Who are the discussion leaders (Who leads, interacts the most) and why?
  5. What are their thoughts on PG as members of Pokemon community?

Next we are planning to observe HP communities and reach out to HP geeks and observe their thoughts on HP:

  1. How active are users in HP community?
  2. What kind of topics do they talk about?
  3. What topics are the top interest at the moment?

Applying the aspect of Pokemon geeks and their opinion on PG, we will apply the observation to HP and their community and see if HP AR games will have potential:

  1. What is the major difference between Pokemon communities and HP communities?
  2. How different is the atmosphere in HP community?
  3. What are the main focuses of each category?
  4. By observation, would HP geeks play the game?

The following websites show the Harry Potter series community and active fans:

JK Rowling Website
Wizarding World (Official website for fans)
Harry Potter Wiki
Harry Potter Lexicon
  • Fan website that has existed for more than 20 years
  • One of the oldest Harry Potter website also shares information about the past and current movie cast members
Leaky Cauldron
  • Fan website that offers stalls, entertainment, contest
Hogwarts is here
  • Enables users to become a student at Hogwarts and interact with the community
Reddit Harry Potter
  • Harry Potter social media on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook

