Final Presentation AR-Chitects

Published in
8 min readJun 11, 2023


Our Product name is Harry Potter (HP) AR

Concept Statement

Harry Potter series have been a popular topic for many years. Many AR-related games have been unsuccessful, unlike the successful case of Pokemon Go which we based our analysis on. We plan to (1) study on Pokemon Go to learn about what elements are needed of an AR-based smartphone games to achieve success, (2) take a look on Harry Potter series and its lover to identify what the elements are to create a successful AR game for Harry Potter based on the success of Pokemon GO, and (3) create a Harry Potter smartphone application that connects the users and provide a system for deeper level of immersion through increasing the amount of interaction and engagement in the individual level.

[Persona ]

1. Hojae Ahn (22, Male, Korean)

Student in Yonsei University. Has been a light fan of Harry Potter series for 10 years. Loved movies, but haven’t tried reading the novels yet. Especially likes the idea of Hogwarts where he can be a student learning fun magic stuffs, go through some thrilling adventures, and make contribution to saving the world. Due to the boredom during his summer vacation, he downloaded the game application for entertainment.

2. Gabby Brown (23, Female, American)

Student in Yonsei University. Has been a fan of Harry Potter series for 15 years. Loved both movies and novels. Along with the the idea of Hogwarts, she enjoys going through the dots of details and making connections between those dots — such as settings, spells, wands, characters, and so on. Being a heavy fan of the Harry Potter series, she instantly downloaded the game as soon as she heard the news of its release.

Journey map:


Paul’s moodboard

Grace’s moodboard

Douaa’s Moodboard:

[What we want to do]

  • Use AR technology, smartphone device, and GPS technology to build a more immersive game experience for users

[Foundational key research findings]

  • (HPs interview) The well-structured setting that already exists in the HPs is the key attraction.

⇒ Our game and its setting should be coherent with the setting with details

  • (HPs interview) HPs lovers want to become a student in Hogwarts

⇒ as a means to escape from the boring world, or at least add some fun onto it

  • (HPs observation) HPs lovers enjoy role-playing in their community

⇒ user becomes a character in Hogwarts and interacts with other users, who are also other characters in Hogwarts

  • (PG Interview) Physical actions in AR features should be simple, in a way that it’s less likely to call for other’s attention


Who are the users? ⇒ BASIC SETTING

  1. Hogwarts student
  2. belong in one of the 4 houses
  3. Long-term field study trip into muggle world
  4. Magic-related things should be disguised to the muggles including the user, the very wizard itself!
  5. So something called a smartphone is used by the user — as a mean (1) to hide magic-related things and (2) see the hidden magic-related things

How is the basic setting going to be introduced to the users?

  1. AR tech will be used
  2. ask the user to get to the nearby window
  3. the owl has been sent from a Hogwarts teacher and has a letter with it
  4. the owl was cast with a special spell to become invisible to avoid the muggle’s attention
  5. the use of a smartphone device enables the user to see this owl with an invisible spell
  6. reference to one of the most iconic scenes of HPs → Harry getting an enrollment letter from owls

What does the letter tell the users?

  1. Basic guides to cast spells (so obvious for Hogwarts students, but just a gentle reminder for those who don’t pay much attention to class)
  2. The very goal of a long-term field study trip to the Muggle world
  3. the mission of gathering something for points
  4. there’s competition among the 4 houses..! (user competition feature)

How to cast a spell? ⇒ Swish and Flick!

  1. Again, magic spells should not be seen by muggles
  2. The very swish and flick of wand has been substituted with movements of finger on touch screen, to look unsuspicious to the muggles
  3. AR → focus on target to cast the spell
  4. GUI → selecting spell to cast
  1. The simple physical action of finger → swish and flick

What do we gather?

  1. [common] unrare resources that adds points to the user’s house for the competition
  2. [rare] some ingredients to make something good
  3. [super rare] some artefacts that is good or has to do with characters in HPs
  4. [super rare] items needed for seasonal events, side quests, and side storyline

Main contents

  1. Semi-bright, exciting, and adventurous but sometimes dark and serious atmosphere
  2. collecting goods for house competition (competition among the 4 teams of users)
  3. Daily base activities

Side Quests

  1. Characters from Hogwarts would give quest via letters with owl
  2. AR function → get close to the window and see through phone screen to meet the owl!
  3. Characters would ask the user to collect certain goods, or make certain things (potions, wand, or anything magical) with collected ingredients

Side Storyline

  1. While collecting goods for the house competition score, the user coincidentally get to know that some evil plan is going on
  2. As the user realize that something evil is there, user soon gets a letter from a character in The Auror Office, and start to investigate about what’s going on to stop the evil plan
  3. While the investigation, the user gets to become more closer to the character from the Auror Office, bonding getting stronger
  4. Comparably serious, dark, and heavy atmosphere

Implement sound and haptics to generate a genuine and organic experience for individuals.

Our goal is to improve the feeling and sense of familiarity of the overall experience by utilizing sound and haptics. The objective is to use sound and haptics thoughtfully, only in situations where they enhance an interaction and offer feedback for a meaningful and impactful interaction.

Create a design that encourages movement.

The augmented reality is an experience that is fundamentally based on three-dimensional aspects. The most instinctive interactions in this situation involve movement, which includes the movement of the device and the individual within the physical space. It is important to consider the safety of individuals when they are navigating through their space.

Reduce the amount of text and controls displayed in the camera feed.

Try not to overcrowd the camera feed with excessive controls and information. Utilize as much screen space as possible to showcase the physical world and the augmented reality objects.

Depend on uncomplicated, one-handed gestures.

The majority of individuals will utilize one hand to operate their device while participating in an augmented reality encounter. Therefore, hand gestures should not be excessively complex in order to complete tasks.

Provide plentiful coaching, instruction, and hints.

To initiate individuals in the use of AR, you can provide device system coaching or customize coaching if the experience necessitates specific scene comprehension. Due to the fact that AR is based in the physical world, various factors can interrupt the experience. It is important to offer continuous coaching and useful instructions to aid individuals in overcoming any obstacles they may encounter.

Incorporate actual physics and 3D behavior in the real world whenever feasible.

By paying careful attention to 3D model texturing, environmental lighting conditions, shadow casting, and the emulation of physical behavior like gravity and inertia, a high level of realism in the scene can be attained. If an app updates its scenes at a rate of 60 times per second, there will be no noticeable lag or flickering.



Concept Reel

Final Concept Reel

