Competitive Analysis

Xuanyuan Liu
Ar. Q — SEL explorers
3 min readMar 20, 2020

In order to have a better understanding of the possible solutions of social emotional learning in the market, we did a competitive analysis into the 25 products aiming for the development of social emotional learning as the table below showed below.

Then we designed an evaluation metric to see how the current products perform in different aspects. The evaluative factors include assessment (Which of the assessment used), instruction methods, evidence of effectiveness, needs and learners in context (grade, location, race). From the first round competitive research, we got a big sheet as the following:

Then we compiled a complete profile of each product as the following:

After that, we further distilled the 25 products and picked 7 products that are more focused on self-awareness which is more aligned with our refined problem scope.

In the next round, we would like to know what are the common features and instructional methods used in these education products focusing on self-awareness. Based on the two key questions, we come to the final analysis results as shown below:

In Table 1, it summarizes the extent to which each program includes specific program features or components (e.g., Family Engagement, Support for Implementation, etc.). This table can be used to identify the range of program features and components offered within and across programs. It can also be used to identify programs that provide a specific feature or component.

Table 2 displays the percentage of activities in each program that use each instructional method. This table is colored-coded, with darker shades of blue indicating higher usage of an instructional method relative to other programs. This table can be used to identify and look across programs that utilize specific instructional methods.

