Hello World from Team Ar.Q

Han Xue
Ar. Q — SEL explorers
2 min readMar 21, 2020

Hi, we are Team Ar.Q from Carnegie Mellon University :)

We are a group from METALS (Master of Educational Technology and Applied Learning Science) program, and we are currently working on a capstone project with Houghton Mifflin Harcourt to understand and explore the field of SEL (social emotional leaning).

We have five members in the group, each of us taking one position to deal with one aspect or phase of the product life cycle.

Ziqi (Dakota) Dong is the development lead

Han (Hannah) Xue is the research lead

Neil Thawani is the project management lead

Xuanyuan (Ember) Liu is the product management lead

Shiyang (Sabrina) Lyu is the design lead

Our client is Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (https://www.hmhco.com/). Being a publisher of textbooks, instructional technology materials, assessments, reference works, and fiction and non-fiction for both young readers and adults, they are also also moving towards learning industry at the time of transition.

Our project background is in the field of SEL, and we are trying to find a solution to bring about a solution that can be integrated into all core subjects in students’ everyday life. Based on our understanding of the project scope and the problem space that HMH provided, we have our hunt statement.

We will enable K-12 teachers and students to develop and assess SEL skills within or beyond selected subject areas (e.g., ELA/Spanish, math, science, social studies). We will accomplish this by integrating HMH’s instructional assets along with the CASEL’s framework, standards, and best practices. We aim to combine our expertise in applying learning science principles with technology to develop a solution for students and teachers.

