Week of May 23, 2016 Roundup

Mira Nabulsi
Arab Social Media Roundup
2 min readJun 6, 2016

This week: #Egypt_stripped , #Something_only_48ers_will_understand , “on our radar”, and Arab humor.

Editor’s note: The Arab Social Media Roundup is a pilot project from Meedan, starting in June 2016. This roundup is provided as an example of content for readers. To subscribe to the newsletter, please email hello@speakbridge.io

Translated Social Media Trends

#Egypt_stripped #مصر_أتعرت
The stripping and assault of an elderly Egyptian woman in El Minya invokes shock, condemnation and debates on sectarianism and the state’s role in gender-based-violence. Translations: Example 1, example 2, example 3, example 4 , example 5.

#Something_only_48ers_will_understand #شيء_لن_يفهمه_غير_48
Often referred to as 48 Palestinians or 1948 Palestinians, Palestinian citizens of Israel discuss what distinguishes their experience. Topics range from cultural and linguistic identity, to racism and the challenges of being a Palestinian while a citizen of Israel. Translations: Example 1, example 2, example 3, example 4, example 5.

On Our Radar

Here were a few other trends in social media in the Arab world that we looked at and didn’t translate. Did any of them sound interesting? Be sure to let us know in our survey.

#AlFallujah #الفلوجة , #AlFallujah_Liberation #الفلوجة_تتحرر , or #AlFallujah_Facing_Iran #الفلوجة_تواجه_إيران
Support and denunciation for the Iraqi army’s military operation (supported by Al Hashad Al Sha’bi forces) against ISIS in AlFalujah and its surroundings.

#Idlib #ادلب
Plane strikes hit the Syrian city of Idlib. Syrians accuse Russia. The US condemns the strikes, and activists claim international media ignored and justified the bombing due to the presence of Al Nusra Front in the area.

#Dissolving_the_Parliment #‏حل_مجلس_ النوّاب and #رفع_اسعار_المحروقات #Rise_in_Gas_Prices in Jordan
Jordanians humorously celebrate the dissolving of their parliament, only to wake up the day after to a hike in the price of gas

Arab Humor


This Ramadan* tune in to the following shows:

  • The Yemeni drama “The Missing Peace”
  • Egyptian comedy “Farces of the Coup”
  • The Libyan fantasy “Daesh and the Strangers”
  • Syrian tragedy “Oh Unfulfilled Ceasefire”
  • The Iraqi mythology “Kings of Sectarianism”.

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*Ramadan, the holy month of fasting for Muslims starting this year on June 6th. It is known for Arab TV viewers as the season with the largest release of new TV shows. In this cartoon, the presumed Arab viewer is watching from a UNHCR tent and the titles of the shows reflect the current status of Arab affairs.

Source: Alaraby.co.uk by Jordanian cartoonist Emad Hajjaj

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Mira Nabulsi
Arab Social Media Roundup

Communication Studies Graduate. Interested in Social Movements, news, rhetoric, ICT and language. Currently supporting Meedan’s “Bridge” community and projects