Araf — Slow is OK.

Christopher Colouryum
Published in
5 min readJul 4, 2019

—Araf (Welsh) Adjective

Steep climb with a tight bend. Araf.

If you have ever traveled around the beautiful winding roads of Wales the word Araf may seem familiar to you. I’m a graphic designer by trade and have always had keen eye for typography. I remember visiting Wales since a young age and regularly seeing all the incredible welsh words and scripts. One that always resonated with me was Araf which you‘ll find painted in huge letters (of varying heights) across the roads usually before a corner on a twisty section or steep climb/descent. I loved the textures of the hand painted letters and their long condensed width contrasting the height. Ironically, so that they can be read at speed from a low angle.

A recent 165km solo ride from last year in Wales triggered the idea of Araf.

I’m no pro, I ride slow.

So what is my idea of Araf? We are surrounded by speed and it so it seems fitting for me to name this project Araf, as a reminder to slow down and take in what’s around us. I’m no pro, I ride slow. And that’s ok!

This is a place for me to share my experiences but also promote the idea that going slow is ok.

I am a very driven person and tend to surround myself by equally driven people. This is great but it also has it’s downs. On the plus side, I am constantly inspired and always want to do more. The downside is it’s also easy to feel like you’re not doing enough because someone else is doing something awesome and you’re not. Damn their awesomeness!

I’ve learned to address this so that I don’t beat myself up about it too much. I’m very much an introvert and shy person until I get to know you, if you don’t know me, apparently it comes across that I’m rude or arrogant, I’m not. I just don’t really like talking to people I don’t know. If you come say hi to me I’m usually more than happy to chat! A big shift in my outlook on life happened just over 5 years ago.

Sweet shades bro.

A bit about me.

Hi. I should probably introduce myself, incase you haven’t actually met me. My name is Chris and I’m a born and raised West Country boy, residing in Bristol with my wife Daisy. When I’m not doing doodles at Maya Studio I seem to end up riding my bike a fair bit. Without boring you with my life story. I have cycled my whole life, pretty much since I could walk. I’ve never not had several bikes at any one time!

In summer 2013 I was rushed into hospital and eventually diagnosed with Colitis, I spent a week having scans and all sorts of pokery going on whilst living on a diet of drugs and steroids. I am very fortunate that it was caught early so that I could be treated quickly. However, it’s an incurable disease and I could take a turn for the worse at any moment. I have been on medication for it ever since and will likely be for the rest of my life. Along with living with all the joys the illness brings; I basically have zero immune system while I’m on my medication which puts me at risk to a lot of things! If you’d like to learn more about what it is check Crohn’s & Colitis UK as it is a great charity with lots of info.
tl;dr — It’s a shit ills. Literally.

Sob story aside, I realise I’m very lucky to be here and have the ongoing care I have. It’s been a slow journey to where I am now, coming to terms with the reality of not being “who I was” before. One of the first things I wanted to do was ride again. I was very weak at first but cycling has been the thing I could always turn to to push myself both physically but more importantly mentally.

For whatever reason when I am cycling nearly all my symptoms disappear, fatigue being the only that still likes to put a bonk on it, but I am getting better at managing that. (Basically consume more snacks). Sounds great! But it’s hard work.

Araf is ok

Whilst I wouldn’t wish my path to Araf upon anyone, the things I’ve learnt can be applied to anything. It’s not just about cycling, it’s about work, friends — life. Slow the fuck down a bit, it will do you a world of good.

Let me make it clear though, I’m not a speed hater. Fuck no, I love going fast. I also admire those who can do things abnormally faster than I’ll ever be able to do. But I have come appreciate a slower pace is ok, and not beat myself up about that.

I have lots planned with Araf and will be sharing it all here (and other platforms) so that it might encourage others to share the appreciation that it’s ok to do things a bit slower sometimes.

Join me

Share your steady as fuck adventures with #slowisok or do me a follow —
Medium: arafcc
Instragam: @arafcc
Strava: Araf
Komoot: Araf

