Join Aragon One

What is Aragon One working on, the positions we are currently hiring for and our community referral program

Jorge Izquierdo
5 min readAug 1, 2018


Aragon One, the first development team building Aragon

Aragon One is one of the development teams working on Aragon. It is part of the plan to decentralize Aragon’s development and governance (see Decentralizing Aragon’s development I, II, III).

We want Aragon One to be a small team, with high-bandwidth and trust between individuals. Keeping the team small will help us prevent many of the problems that arise when growing too much and too fast.

How do we work at Aragon One

Aragon One is a remote-only company, we empower team members to live wherever they want. We don’t believe that work opportunities should require living in a particular piece of land.

Yet we acknowledge the value of in-person time, to form deep relationships. We sometimes travel to conferences or events together. Every team member has an event allowance that can be freely allocated to traveling and meeting different communities.

We also do team offsites quarterly. Everyone from the team travels to the same location and lives under the same roof for a week. We work together on things that are harder to work on remotely. Much of our planning and product specification work actually happens in offsites! We also spend time playing sports and having fun together. Because we have so little in-person time, these offsites are very special. Plus the relationships formed are even deeper than the ones created by mundane office interactions!

Everyone in the team is free to choose the working hours that fit their life. We are output focused, not hours focused. Except for some coordination calls, most communication is written and asynchronous! This forces us to document and write down all decisions, that can be reviewed at a later date.

For product work, we group major product milestones and features in six week cycles. These cycles consist of three two week long sprints in which we prioritize the work to do. After every cycle we intend to do a major product release of Aragon Core. For this current cycle, we are working on building Aragon Core’s Permissions app. This app will allow DAOs to be customized to create new governance processes and models.

Community referral program

Referrals have worked tremendously well for us in the past! They help us to get to know great people that wouldn’t have found our openings otherwise. We have an internal program for team members to introduce and recommend people they know or have worked with.

We also have a community referral program that pays a finder’s fee if the candidate joins the Aragon One team. This referral fee is $1000 USD worth of ANT, paid the moment the candidate joins the team. Do you know someone that fits one of the positions below? Please reach out to and let us know!

What is Aragon One working on?

Aragon Core, which allows users to create and operate decentralized organizations. Aragon Core v0.5 beta launched in the testnet back in March. Right now we are focused on finishing more work, polishing up and releasing Aragon Core to the Ethereum mainnet network.

Aragon DAOs allow for full flexibility by installing apps that run directly on the organization. We have been working on developer tooling and documentation to build Aragon apps:

Apart from Aragon Core, we are now putting more focus on the Research & Development of the Aragon Network. The Aragon Network is an opt-in digital jurisdiction for DAOs and individuals that provides services such as arbitration for conflict resolution. We recently released an updated version of the whitepaper. We also created a research forum for discussing research challenges:

Open positions in Aragon One

We are looking for passionate individuals to help us build the future of Aragon that can help with:

Frontend Development (React)

If you check out the Survey app you will realize just how advanced and polished the Aragon UI is. Although Aragon DAOs can have multiple apps installed inside them, everything looks cohesive. This is thanks to our very own UI toolkit, Aragon UI.

We are currently working on shipping the Permissions app. We also want to make Aragon UI a more generic toolkit for dapp development. We want to help the ecosystem approach user experience challenges better so it can be friendlier to newcomers.

People you would work with: Pierre (Frontend Engineer), Jouni (Design)

Web3 Engineering

Connecting the beautiful frontend with the Ethereum smart contracts is a challenge. Aragon provides a very easy way for developers to build their own Aragon apps, and part of that is aragon.js.

It also provides human readable transactions for users to know what they’re signing when interacting with the blockchain.

People you would work with: Pierre (Frontend Engineer), Brett (Lead Dev)

Solidity/EVM Engineering

We want Aragon and DAOs to succeed. For that, we have very high quality standards and take security very seriously. We are taking smart contracts to the edge. In that process, we have created our own smart contract framework, aragonOS. It handles:

All that allows developers to focus on what really matters. Developers can reuse any existing Aragon apps, and plug them in new ways to create new governance mechanisms.

We are also working on a Token Curated Registry implementation. We also plan to work on many other governance mechanisms and implementations.

People you would work with: Brett (Lead Dev), Jorge (CTO), Bingen (Solidity Engineer).


We try to keep our centralized infrastructure at a minimum, balancing usability and decentralization (censorship-resistance). We want to make as much as the infrastructure that supports using Aragon Core reproducible by users so they don’t have to rely on our servers.

However we strive for excellence in everything we work on, and are looking to hire an experienced full-time DevOps engineer to help us improve our current infrastructure (both user facing and internal tooling) with better processes so it runs efficiently and it’s always up. One the goals of the role is to open source most of our infrastructure (to the extent that it doesn’t impact security) so other projects can reuse parts of it without having to reinvent the wheel.

People you would work with: Jorge (CTO), Chris Remus (Product Manager), Brett (Lead Dev)


This isn’t an opening, but rather a perk. Aragon’s grants program, Nest, is one of the most meaningful programs in the space.

Being a member of Aragon One, you can take part in the program by advising which projects to fund, as well as mentoring them.

Nest is quite an opportunity to let a whole ecosystem bloom and support great projects in the space.

People you would work with: Maria (Ecosystem Development)

How to apply

Please check out our openings or click in the position names above.

If you want to refer someone, please send us an email to telling us that your referred candidate will apply soon. If we hire them, you will get the referral fee!

