Essential questions to ask when starting a Graphic design project

arana web
Arana Web
Published in
3 min readMar 5, 2018

It becomes hard to analyse the project skills when the client himself does not know what he wants. There are times when your client does not really have a clear idea about the kind of work that he wants you to do or the resultant that he want out of your work. If you find yourself struggling when receiving answers it might be because you are not asking the right questions. As we all know, client input can be extremely important for getting a better perspective on a project and the overall growth of business.

I am putting up a few questions for you all to deal with these clients and refine a set of questions that you can ask your client before starting a Graphic Design project.

Let us start with how much you know your client. It is very important that you do a background check on the client that you are working for. Make sure that you know about his company, his past projects, his past clients and his work ethics.

You can start by asking these questions:

What is the purpose of this project?

Companies usually go for a redesign and rebranding after a few years. It is necessary for you to know their intention for the project that you are working for. Meaning they might keep the same logo, but might be looking for a more modern look or they might want a complete makeover.

What is the color specification or logo that is mandatory for their company?

Colors play an important role in design, especially in designing a logo. Color can represent the company’s values and play a part in what the company does. A surf shop is expected to have some degree of blue in their logo, as an all natural food store is expected to have green in their logo.

Does the company has a specific philosophy or slogan to work on?

You will be knowing the company inside out to be working with them and this is the place from where you should start. If the company has a certain specific policy , you should be knowing it. Work around the same lines.

Does the client has a specific logo or idea in mind?

Half of the time clients have an idea of what kind of logo they want to use to represent their business. If the client does not have a clear idea of what they want, asking the client to describe their business becomes a great way to understand what they are looking for. Asking the client if they have done any research for sample work can also become a crucial part of the conversation.

Does the logo requires a specific image to represents the brand or what the business does?

Some brands incorporate images within their logo to give it a unique look that represent what the company does. If the company is organic and sells organic food, it is almost expected that a green leaf will appear in the logo.

We have covered almost all the basic questions where we can work and generate ideas about our clients. It does not mean that you only ask questions. You need to figuratively analyse the answers and then form a design around the line of work.

