Imagine a world where women are men…what an unbelievable, scary nightmare!

Arastu Zakia
Arastu Zakia
Published in
4 min readSep 26, 2016

Imagine a world! A world where you wake up and your mom sits in a shirt and pant reading the newspaper. Your dad cooks food in the kitchen, wiping the sweat off his forehead, hurrying because his wife is late for office. Soon mom leaves for office and dad now proceeds to clean the home.

As you drive out, you see a group of househusbands huddled at your neighbour’s. A specific scene in last night’s sasur-damaad saga is being intently discussed. The huge billboard just outside your home stares at you once again. The woman in a blazer surrounded by 5 muscular men in undies drooling over her just doesn’t make sense and it makes you uncomfortable. Driving further, you see potbellied female traffic cops at each junction and some tiny men seem to have just joined their force as juniors. For some reason, the female head-cops as well as the drivers on the road stare at these men weirdly. You carry on and once again are forced to turn your head away from those women who sit on the side, with their pants down, pissing on the footpath. You feel a little uncomfortable because of the overbearing number of women on the streets, you feel in a minority as a man. It gets worse when women stare at you from top to bottom at each junction and you don’t even want to think about that scary woman who chased you home last night. Why is it bad that you wore a shorts last night, you just felt like it.

As you get to office, a fairly hot man smiles at you from the reception desk. You notice the (lack of) length of his shorts and his sleeveless top. As you get to your desk, that same unnerving feeling creeps up again. Women everywhere, you feel better as you count the 3 men in your workplace and it makes you feel familiar again. As you are called in by your boss, you get worried about what tantrum she’s going to throw this time. Luckily the meeting goes well and as you step out, you can’t help wonder if you did notice her stealing a glance at your groin a couple of times. Your work day remains normal.

You head home. Tired and feeling a little stressed out, you proceed to lock your door, switch on your computer and fly solo! But you’re frustrated by the lack of any male-oriented porn. Well who cares, you’re used to making do with being at the receiving end! But you stop. As your browser homepage opens, a headline that pops up makes you cringe. Yet another man was raped last night and this time he was pinned down by 6 women and foreign objects were used as well. You are reminded of the woman who chased you home last night, this is getting scarier each day!

Waiting for your mom to return home from office, you sit with your dad and join him in seeing his favourite show. That topless woman preacher irritates you to no end and nothing she says makes any sense but arguing with her countless followers is pointless. You turn towards your dad to scream at him again for watching this stupidity each night but you restrain yourself. You can’t help feeling sorry, yet again, for what all your dad could have done with his life. But he seems fine and so you’re happy for him. You hold his hand, hug him and hope he never has to burst out and cry like he did holding you a couple of days back. Soon your mom returns home. As all of you sit for dinner, you’re still pissed that mom brought up that proposal from that girl’s family last night. Besides the fact that the very concept of ‘marriage’ is just so repulsive to you, you hate that they asked for 50 lakh from your parents. You’re a boy, they’re going to get you and you’re going to most likely give up your job and serve their entire family like your dad, and still they want money. As if you are a product and you need to pay for someone to buy you. It’s bloody frustrating!

Soon you feel drained and exhausted and proceed to retire for the day. As you move towards your bed, your leg slips on the mat underneath and you fall towards the bed. You’re falling down in slow motion, the shiny wood at the edge of the bed and your skull are soon going to collide. You get closer and closer, now you’re just inches away. Is this it! How bad will this be? Could you maybe….die?!

Suddenly your eyes open and you’re sweating and panting. And then it dawns upon you. Thank God!!! This was just an unbelievable, scary nightmare!



Arastu Zakia
Arastu Zakia

Filmmaker. Dreaming of changing the World with Stories!