It’s okay, you’re not doing anything wrong, don’t worry

Arastu Zakia
Arastu Zakia
Published in
3 min readAug 22, 2016

Divorce is not bad. It’s not a problem. Sometimes things don’t work out. Being single isn’t bad, there’s no problem there. Neither is loving and marrying whoever you love, no problems there either, love is too simple an emotion to understand the complexities of religion and race. Being gay is fine, in fact had we not given it that name, it would just have been called ‘love’ like any other. Boys aren’t better, girls aren’t inferior, some people just try very hard to force that. Living alone isn’t bad, you don’t need to get married to solve this, it isn’t a problem that needs solving, it isn’t a ‘problem’ at all. Believe in God if you want to, don’t believe if you don’t want, pray if you want, don’t if you don’t want, if he exists, he’ll hopefully be secure enough to handle either.

Don’t have children because you’re supposed to, don’t have them to solve your problems, have them if you want to, they aren’t getting to decide, you are deciding for them; cherish them, love them, empower them and then let them be. Be kind and compassionate, be healthy and happy, not as an act and not because they tell you to, be so because it’s good to, if you want to. Eat what you want, wear what you want, look however you want, do what you want but take responsibility for your actions, don’t abuse this at someone else’s expense. You can take your own decisions, and if you fail that’s okay too, you’ll learn and get up again, that’s life. It’s okay for you to do what you love, you may be slow for a while, but you’ll find your way, don’t worry. It’s okay if your parents don’t like some things about you, it’s okay to do what they forbade you to do, it’s okay to not do what they asked you to do, it’s okay, you still love them, you just don’t do everything they say, they don’t either, you aren’t bonded to them, you’re your own person.

It’s okay if you get jealous every now and then, it’s okay to be angry, it’s okay to be unhappy and disappointed, it’s okay if you feel you’re lagging behind, all those emotions are good, they help you push yourself; learn from them, use them, get back with a bang, you’re doing just fine and you’ll do even better soon! Happiness is a decision you make, an approach, it isn’t a reaction, it isn’t a pretence! Love yourself, hate yourself, critique yourself, so you won’t need anyone else doing that to you, you’re not answerable to anyone if you are to yourself. It’s okay if you disagree, it’s okay if they don’t understand, not everything needs to make sense, not everyone needs to agree, in fact it is in your disagreements that they will learn who you are.

Being in a minority isn’t bad, sometimes the best things are few and far between, yes you may feel lonely now and then, but it’s okay, you’re paying a smaller price to differ than they are to follow. It’s okay to say and fight for what you believe in, it’s okay if they don’t like it, having the ability to choose and act differently is what makes you human. All of this is normal, it just became ‘wrong’ because they told you so, it isn’t, relax!

It’s okay, it truly is, it’ll hurt for a while but at night, when you’re alone and silent, within, you’ll sometimes get that weird, tingly feeling…that happy feeling. You’ll be fine, you’ll be at peace…..don’t worry! It’s worth it!



Arastu Zakia
Arastu Zakia

Filmmaker. Dreaming of changing the World with Stories!