What is Arazoo?

Arazoo Blog
Published in
2 min readMar 31, 2017

In his 2007 groundbreaking book on the construction industry, Broken Buildings, Busted Budgets, Barry LePatner articulated a comprehensive macro-economic critique of the construction industry, which asserted that owners must rebalance the asymmetry of pricing information favoring contractors if they were to regain control of their projects. As the result of this research and his more than three decades of experience as legal counsel for owners, design professionals and the construction industry, the underpinning concepts of Arazoo were developed.

Barry LePatner and co-founder Brad Cronk have developed Arazoo to advance the ideas and project management principles that they have applied to the hundreds of projects on which they have acted as legal counsel, project manager or both. The name Arazoo was inspired by Arazu, the Babylonian God of Completed Construction. Arazoo represents the culmination of their combined experience of nearly 60 years in the design and construction industry. The Arazoo Product Selection module is the first step to overcome the industry’s well-known inefficiencies that lead to marketplace opacity and rampant cost overruns. And the next steps for Arazoo are already in development.

When it comes to product and material research and selection, too often it involves digging through emails, searching through file folders and PDF’s, or contacting former colleagues just to figure out why something got specified. This is extra busy work, and it takes up time you’d prefer to spend on design — while making those deadlines feel even closer. With a product knowledge platform like Arazoo, you can mitigate some of that stress and spend more time doing actual design work — with less time looking for information you’ve already saved.

