A Company Dedicated to Communication — What Communication Channels Does Arbeon Have?

ARBEON Co., Ltd.
Published in
4 min readJan 27, 2023

As of January 2023 it has been three years since Arbeon was founded, and we now have 80 crew members. Many specialists have joined Arbeon over the years. Everyone has grown so much, and we make preparations to welcome global users every day.

As Arbeon continued to grow as a company, our company’s communication also went through an upgrade!

As more people take notice of our company and services, we needed a communication channel that could handle the increased volume.

That’s why we started preparing something big.
As a company dedicated to communication, we built Arbeon’s communication channels!

Let me tell you all about them :)

A Company Dedicated to Communication!

What Communication Channels Does Arbeon Have?

A Hub For Company News!
Arbeon’s Official Blog

First is Arbeon’s official blog, which is the very page you are currently reading and a communication channel through which you can hear the company’s voice and experience its culture.

The official blog addresses everything about Arbeon! How the company was founded, its vision, mission, philosophy, CEO introductions, and everything else you need to know about the company. It also talks about app services, tech content directly from the expert developers of our unique reading technology, and even the crew and culture to reveal Arbeon’s crew and organizational culture. The blog’s content is categorized mostly into 4 categories:

Company news, services, technology, culture and crew. As it talks about everything related to Arbeon, it is a frequently visited page. It’s also the page that’s viewed most by people interested in joining the company!

Many of our crew members said the official blog helped them learn about what kind of company Arbeon was, what they’ll be making at Arbeon, the company culture, what type of people they’ll be working with, and that it had a critical impact on whether or not they wanted to submit an application or accept a job offer!

Shall We Link Up?

Arbeon is an IT startup that creates never-before-seen services through advanced technology. It’s one of the reasons why Arbeon has so many specialists!

Arbeon already has over 80 industry experts, and specialists are becoming more and more curious about Arbeon by the day. Arbeon created a LinkedIn page to share more information with those interested in the company’s news and thinking about joining us!

Our LinkedIn page has all sorts of information, from news of our participation at CES to event announcements. It serves as an important communication channel that can attract other specialists and help us communicate with them.

Make It Easy to Understand
Instagram and YouTube

instagram.com/arbeon_official & youtube.com/@arbeon_official

“I heard you were pretty popular at CES!”

“Social media with objects?”

“What kind of app is that? How do you use it?”

We worked hard to explain the Arbeon app service through websites, articles, and blogs. Despite all our efforts, however, we believe that not everyone actually understands the services that Arbeon offers. While it may be because the service isn’t available to the world yet, we think it’s mostly because Arbeon’s services are quite advanced. More specifically, it’s hard to explain our services in words.

“A service that allows users to scan any object or space in their daily life using the Arbeon app and search AR social media, AR commerce, AR characters and emojis, and information, etc. for a diverse digital experience.”

Even with the above explanation, we understand there is a limit to how well users will be able to understand Arbeon’s app service.

Arbeon has an official Instagram and YouTube channel to communicate with global users and help them understand our services more intuitively :)

Each social media channel has teaser advertisements for the upcoming Arbeon app, app introduction videos, and a sneak peek into Arbeon’s booth at CES 2023! As soon as the AR social media “Arbeon Service” was revealed for the first time at CES 2023, we succeeded in leaving a strong first impression on global users and saw people constantly looking at our Instagram account and YouTube channel.

Creating Together A Service for Everyone’s Daily Life

Arbeon Service isn’t something that can be created fully by our company alone. Arbeon’s company philosophy is to provide more entertainment, a more expansive experience, growth, and daily life opportunities to countless users around the world with our app. We know this is a service that we must create together.

This is why we are truly dedicated to communicating with our users. Arbeon will continue to share fun stories with everyone and do our best to communicate with global users!

We thank you for your continued interest and support for Arbeon, a company, and service that is always beside you!

