Announcing Security Partnership With Premia Finance To Integrate Web3 SDLC Framework

John Bird
Arbitrary Execution
4 min readOct 17, 2023

Written by Jenny Cruse on March 16, 2023.

At Arbitrary Execution, our mission is to protect the decentralized future with comprehensive security solutions. As the Web3 space continues to grow, security has never been more critical for shaping the future of finance.

“It is clear to me that the decentralized technology of Web3 will power all computing in the future. We are helping that future arrive sooner by applying our deep knowledge of traditional cybersecurity principles to our clients’ products, and increasing everyone’s confidence in using Web3 tech,” said Brian Newhard, CEO at Arbitrary Execution.

Our recent launch of the Web3 Secure Development Life Cycle at ETHDenver provides an essential security framework that is customized for the unique security challenges faced by Web3 protocols.

Premia Finance x AE Security Partnership

With our increased focus on helping protocol teams integrate security throughout the development life cycle, we are excited to announce a security partnership with Premia Finance, a decentralized options protocol revolutionizing market-driven pricing and capital-efficient returns for all.

Premia is dedicated to bringing you the best options trading and yield-generation experiences in DeFi with an awesome community, great user experience, best-in-class engineering, and state-of-the-art research and innovation.

“Make no mistake, DeFi, by default, is a calculated risk domain. However, we cut no corners when it comes to security of assets on our platform, from OpsSec to DevSec. We have been searching for a partner who thinks about security-first design since our DeFi journey began two years ago. Outsiders may not realize this, but it has been a challenge to find allies that share these ideals, especially in a rapidly changing market with asymmetric incentives,” said DK, Vibe Broker at Premia Finance.

At the heart of AE’s partnership with Premia is a shared commitment to security and a shared vision for the future of Web3. We believe that by working together, we can create a more secure and trustworthy decentralized ecosystem.

“It was apparent after our first interaction with AE 6 months ago that they move and think differently. Bringing in their expertise as a core part of the development lifecycle has fundamentally changed how we build secure DeFi products. It takes years to build a reputation of trust in DeFi, and it only takes a single transaction to destroy it. Together, we will strive to uphold security first tenets through shift left and Web3 SDLC practices, and we are happy to finally find a security partner in AE we can lean on,” said DK.

Arbitrary Execution security researchers will work alongside the Premia team to integrate security when designing new components, before writing code, during the development process, and after an audit.

The scope of the partnership goes beyond just a one-time audit to include security tactics like code reviews, design consulting, monitoring, pen testing, fuzzing, and training. Our goal is to support the Premia team throughout the development lifecycle, with extra emphasis on the beginning in order to integrate security as early as possible.

“External security audits will continue to be a critical part of every Web3 project’s security plan, and malicious hackers are showing us that audits alone are not sufficient to build a resilient security posture. We’re excited to partner with Premia Finance to comprehensively enhance the security of their platform throughout the four phases of the Web3 SDLC. Our security research engineers are delighted to work closely with security-conscious partners, and Premia fits solidly into that category,” said Brian Newhard, CEO at Arbitrary Execution.

We are thrilled about the opportunities this partnership presents and look forward to working closely with the Premia team. Together, we will continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in Web3 and help secure the future of finance.

Your Web3 Security Partner

By choosing Arbitrary Execution as a security partner, protocols get consistent ongoing security support from a dedicated team of experts, guaranteed availability, predictable monthly costs, and quicker project initiation and turnaround times.

Our offensive security experience in Web2 and deep blockchain expertise make us uniquely qualified to protect Web3 protocols. By using the framework of the Web3 Secure Development Life Cycle, we design security around all four phases of the Web3 SDLC: Design, Develop, Deploy, and Defend.

If you’re a Web3 protocol that wants to integrate security throughout your development life cycle, contact our team today to schedule a security consultation.

