Smart Contract Security Training Classes

Arbitrary Execution
2 min readSep 30, 2021

Arbitrary Execution is a team of offensive security research engineers, bringing decades of experience to the decentralized technology domain.

The ChainShot Ethereum Development Bootcamp is required training for all of our research engineers. The bootcamp is 10 weeks of carefully considered material intended to bring its students from Ethereum novice to publishing contracts on mainnet, delivered by the most knowledgeable and helpful instructors we’ve encountered.

We are thrilled to announce that Arbitrary Execution is teaming up with ChainShot to offer a series of smart contract security training classes.

These classes are co-developed and will be co-presented by ChainShot instructors and Arbitrary Execution research engineers.

First are a pair of introductory courses. These courses are designed to introduce security research concepts to existing blockchain developers and teach blockchain concepts to existing security researchers:

Intro to Smart Contract Security for Vulnerability Researchers

Introduction to Vulnerability Research for Blockchain Developers

The intention is to take the intro class most appropriate for you, and then be prepared for the advanced class:

Advanced Smart Contract Security

The first instance of these classes will be held online in early January 2022. The classes are synchronous and instructor led, and class sizes will be limited to 12 seats each for the intro classes, and 24 for the advanced.

For more details about the classes and information about how to sign up, check out Arbitrary Execution’s Training offerings:

Looking for smart contract audit or other decentralized technology security services? Check us out at

