What is Arbitrary Execution?

Arbitrary Execution
2 min readSep 30, 2021

Arbitrary Execution, the Company

We are a team of security research engineers who are bringing our expertise from traditional cybersecurity to the domain of decentralized technology.

We envision a future where the crypto ecosystem is trustlessly secure, and to help get there, we are bringing decades of offensive security research experience to smart contract auditing, stress testing every detail against the most advanced adversarial tactics to ensure peace-of-mind protection for all platform users.

We offer smart contract auditing, security research & development, and consulting and training services.

Arbitrary Execution, the Goal

In traditional security research, the ultimate goal for a researcher is to identify a vulnerability in a system that allows the researcher to run whatever code they want on that system — even code that system was never designed to run. The vulnerability they want to find allows for any arbitrary code to be executed — Arbitrary Execution.

We use our name as a symbol of what we do. We have experience in looking at complex systems, quickly learning what they are intended to do, and identifying security vulnerabilities that lead to Arbitrary Execution.

In the decentralized technology space, the ultimate goal might not literally be arbitrary code execution, but the approach, tools, techniques, and mindset are the same. Users want confidence that their money is safe, their votes will be counted, and they can sell their NFTs when they want to. Bringing our experience to the table will help build confidence in the security properties of your system.

Arbitrary Execution, the Concept

In the security industry, we have identified three characteristics that most successful practitioners have: Passion, Capacity, and Humility.

Passion is the quality that lead us to choose security research engineering as a career. We love hard technical challenges, and are unafraid of rolling up our sleeves and learning how new things work. Security research is hard, and you need to love the journey to persist.

Capacity is the ability to learn new things quickly. This is distinct from experience. Some people may have ’20 years of experience’, and sometimes it’s the same year repeated 20 times. Capacity is the ability to run through cycles of learning, discovering new things and adding that knowledge to your working set and repeating the process.

Humility is the understanding that there is always more to learn, and we can be wrong. This leads us to demonstrate that assumptions are correct, write comprehensive test suites, and ask each other for help. Individually we know very little, and together we can accomplish anything.

We are always looking to add motivated researchers to our team. If this sounds like you, drop us a line at info@arbitraryexecution.com

Looking for smart contract audit, or other decentralized technology security services? Check us out at arbitraryexecution.com.

