How to accept fiat subscriptions for your ICO

Stephen W Findlay
ARC Reserve Currency Blog
1 min readJun 1, 2018

Despite record amounts being invested into ICOs and their continuing popularity; it is still difficult to accept funds for an ICO using traditional fiat currencies. One estimate puts fiat subscriptions for ICOs at less than 5% of total funds raised.

There are two reasons why it is hard to raise fiat for an ICO:

— Opening a bank account takes time with many institutions reluctant to take on crypto orientated clients;

— Using an exchange to convert from fiat to crypto (or vice versa) can be expensive (up to 5% in fees), slow (1 week or more) and restricted (many exchanges have deposit and withdrawal limits).

We’ve now solved this problem by utilising the ARC Reserve Currency. Arc Reserve Currency is a fiat-backed stablecoin, so it is naturally able to facilitate exchange between fiat and crypto.

With the infrastructure we’ve built we can enable your ICO to start accepting fiat — with the added benefit that your funds can be held as ARC Reserve stablecoin, which can then be translated into other cryptocurrencies or back into fiat when you need to pay your bills and salaries.

Contact us at to discuss how we can enable your ICO to accept fiat today. We can also assist with KYC/AML processing if you need a complete turnkey solution.



Stephen W Findlay
ARC Reserve Currency Blog

Property Development Finance, and funding for institutional lenders. Hobby: crypto & digital stablecoins. Former: BondMason, Fidelity, Deloitte CF, Andersen