Stop. Collaborate and [G]listen (Nice, nice baby).

Stephen W Findlay
ARC Reserve Currency Blog
2 min readFeb 6, 2018

Working with the Arc Reserve Currency stablecoin could be the perfect partnership for your crypto project.

Back with my brand new invention

How could your innovative project further improve the crypto ecosystem and leverage the benefits of a stablecoin?

We are exploring opportunities with crypto-banks, money transfer organisations, exchanges, brokers, retailers, and many more. And we’ve only just started. The possibilities are seemingly endless…

Arc Coin grabs a hold of value tightly

Arc Coin is an asset-backed stablecoin, providing holders with a store of value, and users with the ability to confidently spend, borrow and save, knowing the value of their transactions will stand the test if time.

Then follow the NAV, at noon daily and nightly

With full transparency, and the ability to sell Arc Coin back to the issuer, the ecosystem is confident of the value and stability of Arc Coins. You can view the current value of Arc Coin (AAA) at

Will it ever stop?

Probably not.

Yo. I don’t know.

And that’s the risk you take with other cryptocurrencies: they are volatile and don’t serve well as an effective currency. Arc Coin removes this uncertainty.

Turn on the lights and I’ll glow.

A stablecoin isn’t the sexiest crypto project ever created. But it can be an incredibly powerful tool. However it requires collaboration. On its own its a bit dull.

To the extreme, I smooth out a trading candal.

Even in times of extreme market volatility, you can rely on Arc Coin to provide a haven for price consistency.

Light up a stage and wax a champ like a candle.

Now it’s your turn to shine. Discuss your project with one of the team and we would be delighted to explore the possibilities.

Thoughts don’t have to be fully formed — we are happy to hear your plans.

Content us at

Nice. Nice. Baby.

With lyric credits (and sincere apologies) to Vanilla Ice.



Stephen W Findlay
ARC Reserve Currency Blog

Property Development Finance, and funding for institutional lenders. Hobby: crypto & digital stablecoins. Former: BondMason, Fidelity, Deloitte CF, Andersen