A Pox on One of Their Houses

A lifelong Libertarian voter is driven to break for a major party in the 2020 presidential election

Jacob Grier
Arc Digital


(Jim Watson/Getty)

In the year 2000, I turned 18 and cast my first ever presidential vote for Libertarian Party nominee Harry Browne, a charismatic guru of self-help and investment advice. In 2016, I voted for the surprisingly credible Libertarian ticket comprised of two former Republican governors, Gary Johnson and Bill Weld. In between there was another vote for Johnson, a vote for visiting Libertarian Bob Barr, and a vote for whoever was on the ballot in 2004 (Michael Badnarik, according to Wikipedia). My vote is, in other words, a very gettable one for the Libertarian Party. This year I will break my streak to cast my first vote for a Democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden.

This decision has less to do with the Democrats or the Libertarians than it does with the Republicans. The Democrats nominated a moderate centrist with a 50-year career in public service. The Libertarians nominated an obscure psychology lecturer at Clemson. In a normal year, I would vote for the Libertarian.

But this is not a normal year.

In 2020, I cannot in good conscience proclaim, “A pox on both their houses!” and vote third party. One of the major parties has become far more deserving of…



Jacob Grier
Arc Digital

Portland-based writer covering public policy and other vices. Author of The Rediscovery of Tobacco and Cocktails on Tap. www.jacobgrier.com