Anti-Trump Derangement Syndrome

TDS is bad. ATDS — when Trump’s faults are always overlooked in favor of criticizing Trump’s critics— is no better.

Kyle Blanchette
Arc Digital


“I have considerably more moral contempt for the media’s and the left’s obsession with Stormy Daniels than I do for Donald Trump for his alleged night of sinful sex with her,” declares Dennis Prager, in a statement that perfectly embodies Anti-Trump Derangement Syndrome.

We’ve all heard of “Trump Derangement Syndrome” (TDS), that tragic but unfortunately widespread affliction that causes many of Trump’s political opponents to interpret all of Trump’s words and actions in the worst possible light. TDS is certainly a real thing. There’s just something about Trump — we’ll let you fill in your preferred explanation here — that prompts his critics to offer the hottest of takes, which predictably run the risk of being false or inaccurate, such as when a reporter falsely claimed Trump had removed a statue of Martin Luther King Jr. from the Oval Office, or when another reporter mocked Trump for describing a rally of his as “packed,” with accompanying photos “disproving” Trump’s claim, only to have to walk back his…



Kyle Blanchette
Arc Digital

Father, husband, philosophy teacher and grad student, freelance writer (@ArcDigi, @NRO, @dcexaminer), and YouTuber