Breaking Down Trump’s Plan To Steal The Election (And Why It’s Failing)

Undermining democratic legitimacy and conning supporters, but not actually affecting results

Nicholas Grossman
Arc Digital


A Trump supporter in a shirt alleging “fraud” at the “Stop the Steal” rally in Washington, DC, November 14, 2020 (B.A. Van Sise/NurPhoto via Getty)

I saw this coming. As President Trump denigrated vote-by-mail and installed crony Louis DeJoy as Postmaster General, his unsubtle plan to manipulate the election came into focus. I called it out in July, and again, step-by-step, in August:


Now we’re seeing the last step play out, with Trump and his allies spreading lies, conspiracy theories, and false insinuations about voter fraud. There are a few isolated cases, as there always are — a registered Republican in Pennsylvania got caught requesting an absentee ballot for his dead mother — but no evidence of the widespread, outcome-affecting fraud they’re alleging.

At the risk of pointing out the obvious, a real plot to fake thousands of votes across multiple states would take a lot of people. And they’d have to do a lot of unusual things in front of local officials, poll watchers, and various government workers, all of whom have smartphones.



Nicholas Grossman
Arc Digital

Senior Editor at Arc Digital. Poli Sci prof (IR) at U. Illinois. Author of “Drones and Terrorism.” Politics, national security, and occasional nerdery.