Donald Trump Taught Me A Lot (Though Not On Purpose)

A NeverTrump conservative on how the Trump presidency changed her opinions of Republicans, Democrats, the media, and herself

Sarah Quinlan
Arc Digital


Credit: Kevin C. Cox (Getty)

Even as a NeverTrump conservative who thinks Donald Trump is unfit for office, I have to admit there are certain things for which I owe him thanks. His presidency has been both illuminating and catalytic, and it’s shaped my growth while strengthening my own convictions.

For example, I’ve previously admitted Trump’s victory made me realize that before November 8, 2016:

I wasn’t careful about nuance, and, because I felt so strongly and confidently about my own beliefs, I thought what I was saying was more important than how I was saying it. My attitude and approach sometimes made others around me, even friends and family, feel embarrassed or defensive of their politics, beliefs, and knowledge of current events.


The 2016 election made me realize the extent of other people’s anger. I understood for the first time how dangerous anger can be, if other people can feed your anger and then use it to manipulate you. And I worried about how I contributed to an atmosphere of constant outrage.



Sarah Quinlan
Arc Digital

Conservative • Feminist • “Because I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart”