Don’t Become the Thing You Hate

In 2020, you must choose a side. And regardless of your decision, absolute loyalty is required.

Kimberly Ross
Arc Digital


Demonstrators in St. Paul, Minnesota, June 27, 2020 (Brandon Bell/Getty)

Yeats’s prophetic lament that “The best lack all conviction, while the worst / Are full of passionate intensity” is borne out daily in our national politics. In the rush to best our ideological adversaries, standards of consistency and decency have not just been forgotten, but consciously discarded. And despite breathless claims to the contrary, this behavior is apparent on both sides of the aisle.

President Donald J. Trump is manifestly unfit for office. For a staunch conservative like myself, voting for him in 2016 would have required betraying my principles. The same holds true in this election cycle. He will not get my support. (Then again, neither will Joe Biden.)

In the Trump era, too many on the right believe they are involved in some sort of righteous cause when they mock individuals who hold views different from their own. The libs must be “owned” no matter the cost, even the suspension of decency.



Kimberly Ross
Arc Digital

Writer | Independent conservative | Bylines: Washington Examiner, Arc Digital, The Bulwark, USA Today, others | Mom x 2 | Not in your tribe.