Welcome to March Madness: Worst Quote of the 2020 Democratic Primaries

An Arc Digital tournament challenge

Berny Belvedere
Arc Digital


Since it looks like we’re going to be social distancing for a while, and since content providers, Arc included, must be part of the remedy for the prolonged home isolation we’re all going to be experiencing, and, finally, since the actual March Madness basketball tournament was canceled, I figured it would be a good use of my energies to create interactive politically-themed tournaments.

The theme for this first one is: Worst Quote of the 2020 Democratic Primaries. (The next one will focus on the GOP—and specifically Trump—instead.) If anything, participating in this tournament will help remind you of some interesting moments from this past primary cycle.

So I’ll supply the quotes. You supply the votes.

A quick word about how to vote.

This is all about picking out the “worst” quote, but of course “worst” is subjective.

For me, “worst” can involve idiocy, cringe, entitledness, and many more things. It can even, on some occasions, include quotes I kind of like. In those cases, “worst” becomes its opposite—think Michael Jackson’s “Bad” here. Like, I have no issue with Biden telling a prospective voter, “You’re full of shit.” At the same time…

