Where Does Brexit Britain Go From Here?

Brexit is tearing Britain apart and Remainers have not learned from 2016

Rabbil Sikdar
Arc Digital


A Brexit protester’s pro-EU balloon in front of the Palace of Westminster in London, England | Credit: Sam Mellish (Getty)

The ceaseless, exhausting wrangling over Brexit that has plagued Britain for the last few years shows little signs of subsiding. Instead Boris Johnson, the third UK prime minister in about as many years, has managed to generate more outrage and confusion with his cliff-edge strategy and suspending of Parliament. Facing defections and efforts to prevent a No Deal Brexit among his own ranks, he expelled no less than 21 rebel Conservative members of Parliament (MPs) this week, sparking more controversy, disbelief, and amusement. All of which have so far been the elemental makeup of Britain’s graceful attempts to depart the European Union.

So now Boris Johnson has no working majority in the House of Commons and is attempting to push for a general election, which opposition parties this week voted down (albeit with the suggestion that an election may be in the offing after No Deal has been averted). There are press rumors that, in order to force one, the government may call a…



Rabbil Sikdar
Arc Digital

Writer, musings on politics, culture, football and all things South Asia. Kdrama lover.