ARC+ Buildgreen

A conversation with Joey Woodworth of Buildworks, Inc.

Peter Licavoli
ARC+ News
5 min readJul 10, 2017


FIU CARTA students on site with Joey Woodworth of Buildworks, Inc.

ARC+… Your training starts with an education in architecture and then you moved to mechanical and general construction firms where you have spent more than 25 years. In the high end residential market, the relationships between the triad architect-builder-client, are extremely demanding. How do you end up doing luxury boutique construction?

JW… “Since the beginning of my education I always considered the problems from a Design perspective and always tried to add creativity to the process. This has been consistent in my approach since my early days in architecture school until today in the construction field. Sometimes we receive projects with little information on details and finish materials, which is a challenge for us, but at the same time, an opportunity to engage with the architect and client on a substantial collaboration from our design-build experience. We enjoy working with consultants and third party designers, being part of the process, and we support the client with a comprehensive vision of the project.”

ARC+… We visited two of your on-going projects, both in Miami Beach, a very fragile environment for development and construction since it will be severely affected by Climate Change issues like, Global Warming, Sea Level Rise and many other. As a more proactive builder, how do you tackle these issues in the construction process?

JW…. “In the early stages of the process, initial conversations, we introduce the topics of LEED and eco-friendly materials. We will also discuss issues of performance, both in electrical and HVAC systems, energy consumption analysis as opposed to simple initial cost decisions. In 430 Dilido House, we achieve some savings using a regular straight forward form and shell and contracting a well renowned structural consultant to produce a great design from the infrastructure to the final structural members of the house. We used the money we saved on a better piles solutions and spent it on better finishes and fittings for the client.”

ARC+… 430 West Dilido Dr. and 8 Rivo Alto Dr. both in the Venetian Islands, come from two different architectural firms and are commissioned by two different clients. Working simultaneously with multiple clients, designers and contractors must be overwhelming and exhausting, with all the experience in the construction field, you must have a clear understanding of the role of an Architect in the Design process. Are you interested in a type of business + practice that will promote young and local architects?

JW….Yes, very interested. Spec and private client homes need to have a responsible and reliable firm name behind them to achieve higher standards. A good architecture firm is great, lots of experience and support for the client, but a young and coming firm could bring a lot of energy and experimentation to the process, which is also great. We have worked with young architects and always been very supportive with resources and construction methods. In both cases you mentioned we had totally different professionals, on 8 Rivo Alto, we worked with a firm that design and builds houses around Miami Beach, so they knew the zoning, codes, regulations, market, and the client’s needs. On 430 Dilido, worked with a younger firm and a very design driven client, we gave them more support and advice during the process. Both local firms, interesting processes.”

ARC+… The private homes real estate market in Miami has changed drastically in the last 3–4 years, we see more demand for Contemporary Architecture. Luxury homes are not longer a decorated shell with expensive materials and capricious equipment, we see a new breed of houses that deal with space, experimental materials, energy management, environmental problems and sustainability as a new way to understand luxe. Would you say that “good architecture” will turn out as a better business model?

JW… “Yes, absolutely. One thing we need to understand is the constant fluctuation of the market. Will this style be old in ten years? Maybe. Will the market look back to a Mediterranean Style? Maybe. One thing we know is, the market was and still is very limited in Contemporary Style homes, there is no inventory for buyers looking for more modern looking architecture in the residential area. As a Design Build firm, the question is, How do we create a more complete portfolio, one that includes different architectural languages, but with a clear focus on what you just called “good architecture” homes with a real understanding of high end, refined materials and subtle details.”

ARC+… In conversations with ARC+ and FIU/Carta Faculty we’ve talked about this interdisciplinary experience with local developers, builders, architects, students and professors and the multiple benefits that will bring to our academic environment. In our classes we work very close with our students in a highly technical design process, but one of the missing aspects in our classrooms is or was the connection with the industry. This collaboration and the hands-on learning of the craft, will help us bridge the gap between academia and practice, will enhance our education and therefore, will create awareness of our responsibilities in the field. After multiple semesters with this model, How can we make this collaboration stronger for Buildworks Inc, ARC+ and FIU/Carta?

JW… “It’s been a great experience and opportunity to bring the students on field trips to our construction sites for almost three semesters now. When students get to see the houses during the framing stage and later the MEP installation, they understand the fundamentals of a good RCP and the importance of collaboration with the stakeholders of the project. Make them aware of the need to communicate and coordinate all of the project’s documents, follow the RFI’s, see the timing and consequences of poor planning, that’s all been part of our conversations with almost two hundred students this year.”

