Arcade Galaxy x Nyan Heroes — Building Shared Communities
Arcade Galaxy
Published in
5 min readMay 2, 2022

Greeting Our Friends at Nyan Heroes

Here at Arcade Galaxy, we value partnerships from across the industry so that we may build alongside all of the wonderful creators who inspire us. Moving forward, one of our priorities is to unleash the potential of this industry as we partner with other projects to represent how vast and diverse the metaverse can be.

Today, we’re proud to announce a partnership that showcases the incredible potential of this space, and expands the possibilities of Web3 gaming. We have connected with the team at Nyan Heroes, and we are thrilled to be speaking with them in this week’s roundtable!

Nyan Heroes is an up-and-coming NFT-based shooter featuring adorable, heavily-armored cats ready to strike back in a revolution against evil corporations. Arcade Galaxy is excited to announce that we will be working with Nyan Heroes to deliver exclusive collaborations and in-game content as we work towards building bridges between gaming audiences.

We believe in breaking down boundaries and truly making the blockchain one of the most unique ways to keep fans invested in the universes we play and create together… including the NYAN HEROES PLANET.

This is what happens when Cubs and Cats unite!

Preview of the Nyan Heroes Planet in Arcade Galaxy

A Dialogue Between Worlds

For this article, we approached Sean and the team at Nyan Heroes to participate in a Q&A that touches on all of the amazing ways we are allowing players to enter our worlds and make them their own. Ultimately, this resulted in an encouraging correspondence where we discussed the importance of keeping GameFi accessible to a variety of gamers, as well as our shared interest in connecting people across entertainment mediums.

Q: Where do you think GameFi has the most potential in the next few years in terms of building communities and connecting people in new ways?

Nyan Heroes Team: “GameFi is the bridge connecting crypto natives to gaming communities. The key is building great blockchain games that are both fun to play and rewarding for players. GameFi will open up new possibilities of community interaction among traditional gamers by creating a digital secondary market for in-game assets. What that means is players that earn or purchase in-game assets, such as unique skins and weapons, will be able to sell them on the open market and earn real world money. Players will also be able to use the same in-game assets that they own across different games on the blockchain. This will allow players to personalize their experience and maintain their gaming identity across titles. We want the gaming community to know that even though we are [both] in the GameFi space, we are passionately dedicated to shipping a AAA rated title that gamers will love to play — period. The DeFi capabilities and NFTs [should] only enhance the gaming experience.”

Q: How do you think projects like Nyan Heroes and Arcade Galaxy will grow sustainably — for users and the environment?

Nyan Heroes Team: “To grow sustainably, projects need to implement a [forward-thinking] tokenomics system which balances outflows from play-to-earn gamers with inflows from play-for-fun players. Nyan Heroes is [also] built using Solana, a carbon neutral blockchain that can efficiently scale with our communities.”

Q: GameFi appears to be getting much more traction as of late, do you think there is a chance it will be accepted in the mainstream gaming market? How can we evolve to meet the demands and expectations of hardcore gamers but also those invested in DeFi?

Nyan Heroes Team: “Absolutely! We believe GameFi is here to stay and will become an integral part of online gaming as the DeFi space matures. Adoption of GameFi among traditional gamers will grow as [fun-to-play] titles appear in the market. The focus of these games will not be on the capabilities of the blockchain, but rather on the gaming experience itself. A player shouldn’t have to know the intricacies of how the DeFi space works in order to enjoy the gameplay. We must put the players and the game first. We’re confident that the market will respond positively to this strategy, which will keep the DeFi community and our investors happy as well. As pioneers in this space, we have the opportunity to shape the culture of GameFi as a blueprint for building great communities that both traditional gamers and crypto enthusiasts love.”

Q: What about Arcade Galaxy are you most anticipating? What is the first thing you plan on doing once the game is out and available to the wider world?

Nyan Heroes Team: “Once the game is out, we have plans for licensing, merch, exclusive drops, and more incredible partnerships all focused on supporting and growing our community! Of course, we are also excited [to see] Nyan Heroes players participating in Arcade Galaxy on Nyan Planet! That includes hanging out and chilling with our fellow community members, exploring the world together in our squads!”

We welcome all of you to check out Nyan Heroes and also join us at Arcade Galaxy — as we work towards giving everyone a voice and the power to exercise their creativity in the next-generation of shared, community-driven worlds. Both of our teams have a shared belief in the value of sustainability, responsibility, and making our worlds accessible and rewarding.

Whether your interest is in ownership, earning through a blockchain-integrated economy, or the thrill of competition, we believe we are primed to transcend what gaming has enabled players and creators to do more than ever before.

We will see you again soon, until then make sure to follow our publication here on Medium for announcements and further details on our ventures into the Arcade Galaxy… Also, check out our social channels, partners, and our Discord here!


Arcade Galaxy

Working in community and press for Arcade Galaxy, keeping you updated!