How to participate in ArcadierX pre-sale? (A step-by-step guide)

Published in
5 min readDec 14, 2018

Dear ArcadierX community,

We are glad to announce that ArcadierX Pre-sale is now open!

Before beginning the contribution process, please note the following -

  • This project is not open to US, Canada and China-based investors as well as investors from countries blacklisted by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).
  • The first pre-sale started on 14 Dec 2018, 00:01 GMT+8 hours offering 30% bonus and ended on March 31st 2019.
  • We are now in the second pre-sale, which started on April 1st 2019, 00:01 GMT+8 hours offering 10% bonus and will end on June 30th 2019, 23:59 GMT+8 hours.
  • Contributions must be made from a private Ethereum or Bitcoin Wallet. DO NOT send from an Exchange Wallet.
  • The minimum contribution amount is 100 USD or equivalent in BTC or ETH. There is no restriction on the maximum investable amount.
  • For more details, click here to check out ArcadierX Token Sale FAQ

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can participate -

1. Go to ArcadierX Token Sale website and click on “Buy Tokens Now” to start your whitelist registration and token buying process.

2. Register with your email address. Please note to register with only 1 email account, multiple registrations for the same individual will be rejected.

3. Check your email inbox for the registration email.

4. Once you have entered the email address, an email will be sent to your inbox containing the secure link to proceed further. Note down your secret keyphrase in a safe and secure place and continue the registration process by clicking on the link.

5. On clicking the link, you will be redirected back to ArcadierX Token Sale registration page. Read through all the terms and conditions and agree to them to proceed further.

6. Input your Proof of Identity — a front and back photo of your national ID or passport and a photo of yourself holding your National ID or passport.

7. Input your General Information — your first and last name, country of residence, date and place of birth. You will also be asked to confirm that you are participating in this token distribution solely on your own behalf or on behalf of a company.

8. Input your Individual Information — your NRIC number, residential address and upload your proof of address

9. Congratulations on completing the registration process! Kindly wait and check your email for the confirmation email by the ArcadierX team who will review and confirm your application.

10. Once you have received the confirmation email, click on the secure link in the email to proceed with the Token Sale.

11. Now it’s time to contribute to ArcadierX Token Sale! Enter your contribution for the Token Sale in Bitcoin, Ether or US Dollar equivalent and your contribution, refund and Ethereum disbursement address.

11.1 For Bitcoin or Ethereum contributions:

If you chose to contribute in Bitcoin or Ethereum, enter the equivalent ARCX tokens you would like to get, your Bitcoin or Ethereum Contribution Address (address you will be contributing from), your Bitcoin Refund Address (address you will like any token refunds to go to) and your Ethereum Disbursement Address (ERC20 address where you will receive the ARCX tokens from the Token Sale).

Review and accept the terms and conditions that all wallet addresses must be your own where you control the private key and not from an exchange wallet to proceed to confirm your contribution.

11.2.1 For US dollar contributions:

If you chose to contribute in US dollar, enter the equivalent ARCX tokens you would like to get and your Ethereum Disbursement Address (ERC20 address where you will receive the tokens from the Token Sale).

Review and accept the terms and conditions that the wallet address must be your own where you control the private key and not from an exchange wallet to proceed to confirm your contribution.

11.2.2 After clicking contribute, follow the USD contribution instructions to make your US dollar payment transfer. Important: please make sure to include the unique ID stated in the order into your payment details.

12. At the Token Distribution page, you can check and process your current orders.

Contributions order: Check the status of your current contribution orders.

Contribution instructions: Follow the contribution instructions to participate in ArcadierX Token Sale.

Add a contribution: Input your additional contributions should you wish to make any additional orders.


Thank you for participating in ArcadierX Token Sale!

For more information and the latest updates on ArcadierX Token Sale, visit ArcadierX official website. Check out FAQ on the Token Sale here.

Disclaimer: ArcadierX reserves the right to disqualify any users for any reason, including, but not limited to, failure to qualify for KYC checks.

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About ArcadierX

ArcadierX is a project designed and developed by world leading marketplace SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) provider, Arcadier to deploy and integrate blockchain and advanced technological enhancements onto Arcadier’s existing marketplace platform in a phased approach.

These new capabilities aim to develop Arcadier into a fully integrated intelligent eCommerce ecosystem comprising of core blockchain characteristics focusing on aspects such as inventory distribution (Arcadier Hub), reputation trust (Arcadier Trust), payments traceability (ARCTX), provenance assurance, trade financing and data analytics.




Enhancing Inventory and Reputation Distribution Through Decentralisation — The world’s first reverse ICO by a leading marketplace builder |