GitMerge — Arcana Network Platform Update — January 2022

Arcana Network
Arcana Network Blog
4 min readFeb 16, 2022

With our testnet going live in the recent past, much of our work is now geared towards making improvements to the existing architecture and implementing newer features for the beta testnet. Now before we dive into the updates for the past month, let us quickly revisit the basic components that make up the Arcana platform 👇

Arcana JS SDK 📦
A JavaScript SDK which facilitates file operations such as upload, download, and share.

Auth SDK 🔐
Auth SDK provides support to add logins using a number of OAuth protocols, including Google, Reddit, Twitch, and Discord, among others. As users login using any one of these OAuth protocols, the Auth SDK then fetches and constructs their keys.

Developer Dashboard 💻
An intuitive dashboard for letting developers manage DApps’ configuration and storage.

Storage Node Docker Image 📇
Apps that run on storage nodes and perform permission checks on requests to see if they’re approved by the user. File-related actions are also performed through the storage node.

PoCs 🧾
A suite of applications that give you an overview of the Arcana platform’s full capabilities.

Smart Contracts 🤝🏽
Smart contracts oversee if file actions such as upload, download, and share are logged along with user tracking and billing; doing so results in a seamless and transparent experience for devs that use our platform.

Blockchain 🔗
The Arcana Network blockchain stores publicly verifiable information such as the access control list, file DIDs, and usage information.

Coming to this month’s updates, here are is an overview of what we’re currently doing 👇

  • The Arcana Network website has received several updates, most of which are geared towards making our value propositions clear. A new “Careers Page,” among others, are the new additions to our website.
  • The Engineering team has been working on refactoring the repositories of the gateway node, along with some minor changes to storage SDK and developer dashboard.
  • Validator dashboard and explorer are undergoing design development and changes. An in-house explorer is work-in-progress and will soon replace the third party application we use for the explorer. The validator dashboard now provides an overview of the validators securing our Arcana blockchain. It would also let users delegate their tokens for staking on our chain.
  • We are researching proof of stake implementations on our own chain and how the mechanics would work when staking an ERC-20 token bridged to our chain.
  • Continuous integration and continuous delivery is being configured for all our repositories.
  • Sample integrations of Open source wallets with our Social Auth SDK to serve as a reference guide to developers for integration and UX improvements is underway.
  • We have begun working on passwordless auth and web wallet. A web wallet allows users to store their private keys securely. As of now, whenever a user logs in, their keys are fetched and stored in the app’s memory. With a web wallet in picture, these keys will be fetched from a secure iframe they are stored in. On the whole, the security of the key management system drastically improves without having to make any compromises on the UX front.
  • We are now generating code coverage reports, and have also started working on the server side SDK to provide server side code snippets. These snippets will allow developers to programmatically change any configuration that could be specified from the developer dashboard. Developers can now blacklist any user, and set user level storage or bandwidth limits and login types.
  • A senior computer scientist and crypto researcher, Bill Buchanan, has joined our team and is working with us on improving our DKG.

Those are the updates on what our engineering and development team is up to for the last month. Our teams are working towards broader features and improvements as we prepare for the beta testnet which will go live in the near future, as well as the mainnet, which will go live in the second half of 2022 🚀

Check out our previous month’s Platform Update 👉

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About Arcana Network

Arcana Network is a decentralized storage layer for Ethereum, offering storage for DApps built on EVM compatible chains, such as Ethereum, Binance chain, and Polygon (Matic). But Arcana doesn’t stop at storage. To fully realise the privacy and data ownership benefits of decentralized storage, you need a suite of services, which are currently not decentralised. Arcana fixes this with its Privacy Stack. Arcana’s Privacy stack offers Decentralized Storage that is end-to-end encrypted, along with Non-custodial Key Management Services (KMS) and Decentralized Identity and Access Management.

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Arcana Network Blog

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