Omar Selim
ARCH 201.02
Published in
3 min readDec 17, 2015



grand staircase/ramp intersection

My library is a sustainability library, and by that I mean sustaining our planet. It aims to connect to the site by extending the park on to its facades as well as its roof. Creating public exterior reading space, thus creating a secondary park on the building.

throughout the library I left the shorter spaces for personal study in the carrels, and the taller spaces for group study or possible interaction.

I always placed the stacks in the north east and west sides of the building as well as the service spaces.

both the ground floor and top floor have grand reading spaces, on the first floor that is the stair case that connects the first 3 levels, and on the top floor it is the living room that has a panoramic view of the entire city.

The programmatic diagram here clarifies my intention of having a timeline that one would experience as they ascend on the ramp throughout the library.

The circulation diagram explains how the ramp is continuous from the street level all the way to the roof.

There are 3 skin conditions, 2 of which you can see in these elevations. All of which harness the lights energy and give back something useful to our environment and us.

First the tube for the ramp would be made out of photovoltaic glass, harnessing the light and transforming it into energy,

Second the vertical louvers as well as the vertical vegetation on the load baring walls both serve to take in co2 and give out oxygen also the vegetation on the louvers would grow in the summer keeping more light out and shrink in the winter allowing more light in.

