Project 1A — Environmental Systems Mapping

Ariel Benhamu
ARCH 201.02
Published in
2 min readSep 7, 2015
City scale mapping of transit, population density (blue tones) and crime (orange tones). Reading each study individually suggests higher population density in chinatown, bowery and central midtown. Crime and traffic are particularly high in central midown. Juxtaposing these three mappings together allows to interpret a sense of noise that may happen at the different neighborhoods of Manhattan. For example, one can deduce that central midtown is a very noisy area since there is a high population density, with alot of traffic and high crime rate.
Local scale mapping of transit, population density (blue tones) and crime (orange tones). Individual reads suggest that a high amount of people chose to live near the green areas of the neighborhood while others avoided the highly transited areas, such as near the Manhattan bridge. Juxtaposing the studies suggests that low populated areas attract more crime, which can be seen above Delancey St, where the dark orange is located on top of a light blue tone. In addition, streets with more traffic also have significantly less crime.
This mapping at the city scale uses the previous population density study and is juxtaposed with rat sightings throughout the various Manhattan neighborhoods. Rat sightings seem to be divided in a horizontal axis along 34th st. To an extent, the thesis that the amount of people has a direct correlation with the rat sightings, could be considered true. Darker blue tones have a bigger red circle in some instances, such as in the East Village. However, when looking at Central Midtown, a neighborhood with a high amount of population, the rat sightings are one of the lowest.
At the local scale, high density population has a higher rat sighting rate, and low density population has less rat sightings. This seeem to suggest that commercial zones within Bowery are much cleaner, since they are susceptible to random inspections by the Healh Department, and their ratings can impact their businesses.
This solar study at the city scale maps the Manhttanhenge phenomenon that occurs in the Commissioners grid and in turn…
This solar study at the neighborhood scale maps what occurs with the sunlight at Bowery during the Manhattanhenge. Since this part of the city existed before the Commissioners grid was implemented, its effect is not as striking since it does not align with the differently angled streets. However, some light is able to filter through.
This solar study at the city scale maps the sunlight at the days in which the sun aligns with the grid of the site.
This solar study shows how in May 5th and August 8th the sun sets right between the buildings of Bowery, illuminating the streets that are at the same angle.

