Project 2 — Research Assemblage

Aleksandra Chechel
ARCH 201.02
Published in
2 min readSep 24, 2015

I started working on the project by sketching my ideas. For the study carrel I aimed to create an enclosed space that allows to work without any distractions from outside. I wanted the carrel to be light and bright. I used steel profiles to create a frame for the carrel. The frame consists of three identical elements that cross each other and create an enclosure. I stretched a white fabric on top of the frame. The fabric is translucent what allows light to get inside.

Display case and book shelves have a different purpose and therefore different approach to materials. It needs to hold weight, be easy accessible and noticeable. I also wanted to incorporate similar curvature that I used in the study carrels. Units are curved in plan that allows variations of assembly. Several units placed together can create a separation between the spaces. The group table surface is divided by a steel frame to a three sections, allowing every person to have a personal space while working in a group. The inside angle is created for two computer stations, that allows two people working on computers to closely communicate with each other:

The shape of shelves can be used to separate different areas of study, public (where big groups of people can study) and private (where carrels are located), for example. It creates a barrier between the areas. the division can also be made in sections. Placing the carrels on different levels allow to create more privacy and isolate a person from noise:

Study models:

