Project 2 — Research Assemblage

Ariel Benhamu
ARCH 201.02
Published in
1 min readSep 24, 2015
Component designs. This board includes a Study Carrel: Designed from a simple cubic offset in elevation, the carrel allows for different compartments that suggests different storage purposes. It holds books underneath the table and an easy access opening on the side for a backpack. There are also shelves that extend along one side of the interior that can be for display of library books or for personal storage. Display Case: The display case has shelves along the sides. They alternate between a triangular shape for angled viewing, and a rectangular one for a more direct viewing. Translating to the plan the form of the study carrel, the display case opens up, just slightly on one side. Creating an interior, private space that hosts different exhibitions for those who happen to approach the display from that side. Book Stack: Using a similar shelve layout the book stack has content on all sides that is exhibited at different angles to accommodate for the user’s approach. Work Table: The triangular work table designed for quick assembly with other tables. Mirroring actions allow for multiple layouts to better accommodate the need of the space and the users. Some tables have a shelve slightly elevated in order for someone to work simultaneously with their computer, while reading or writings on the actual surface.
Component Aggregation. The study carrel is aggregated in a way that allows access from two opposing sides and allows for shelving to be included on all 4 sides. The work table can be arranged in many ways, hexagonally with a clear delienation of computer, and non computer users, linearly, alternating between computer and non computer users, or in many different variations.
Component Aggregation. The display case is mirrored at a 45-degree angle with the goal of creating semi private spaces to enclose users in a more personal environment with the books they choose to read. The blue shades indicate the private, and semi-private spaces. The book stack is mirrored vertically to create a semi-private space that allows users to sit and read the book they have chosen.
Furniture Assemblage. Continuing with the idea of assembly as a generator of private and semi-private spaces, this method for assembly considers this idea at a local and global scale. Locally it occurs when the display case and book stack are mirrored vertically and when the book stacks are mirrored towards each other. Globally, it occurs in the plan organization by creating two sides: one that encloses the users within the boundary of the assemblage and on the opposite side, where the user is completely opened and exposed. The plan of the assembly also diagrams a person’s movement throughout the space and shows what he/she would see as the progress throughout the assemblage.

