Why Following Other’s Passion Is Harmful

Archana Prabha Singh
Archana Singh
Published in
3 min readJan 8, 2018

Do you find your neighbor, your friend or any of your relative doing much better than you by just doing what they love?

You might find that they see success after success because what they love to do is fairly easier than your head scratching work.

Because you are not doing well with your career, You may decide to follow them, their work and passion. You believe that you can easily be successful in doing so, and earn in millions.

You are wrong my friend. Yes, you can get success and make millions initially, but it will not be worth in the long run.

When you value money over your overall health and your passion, you will find yourself in an endless cycle of misery.

Here are four reasons why you should never follow someone else’s passion

1. No Guarantee Of Success

Yes, you heard it right! You are obviously risking your career by following someone else’s passion. There’s no guarantee of success even after working hard, giving it a whole lot of time and following a serious routine for it.

You can make it a priority among other necessary things, but since you are not enjoying while doing it, and that too doing it without passion, then there’s a high chance that you will be annoyed with the work if you don’t see positive results initially.

If you cannot love your work, it will be tough for you to achieve success.

2. Less Productive

Since you are doing something you don’t really like, you need to work longer hours than the average time taken by someone who’s passionate about it.

Not only this, but you will also lack productivity in your other activities, as you will already be tired of working on something you have no interest in.

If this happens, It will be a major drawback for your career.

3. Depression and Anxiety

You are working for months on it. You checked your progress, but you didn’t find it worthy of your hard work. You kept your patience and then worked harder than before.

After a while, you rechecked your graph, but you were disappointed again. This cycle continues for a while, and you start feeling depressed about it. Depression causes sadness, makes you feel low, there’s also a loss of interest or pleasure in daily activities.

However, that’s not the case when you follow your passion. When you do something you are passionate about, you never feel annoyed, even if it fails to bring in positive results.

You can be patient; you can digest a short time failure as you believe deep inside in your heart that you will succeed in the end.

But when you do something that’s not made for you, you pretty much aren’t assured of your own success. You live with the fear of failure. This is the single reason why shouldn’t try to master something, just for the money.

If you believe that making money is everything in this world, then you need to know that 3 out of 5 CEO’s of top companies suffer from depression.

Money should never be the reason for doing something, or for making a career.

Further Reading: Inspirational Quotes For Depression & Anxiety

4. You will waste 80% of your Life

Our work consumes 80% of our total life span. Why spend it in making yourself a machine, whose products(money) are only luxurious but not satisfactory in the long run.

Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of your heart, you’ll know when you find it.

– Steve Jobs

It is much better to avoid doing something in which you don’t find any pleasure at all.

Try to follow your heart. Your heart knows what you want, and it will surely take you to the place you belong.

