BIM in Construction

Adopting BIM into construction projects

Chandresh Chudasama
Building Information Modeling
3 min readOct 23, 2021


The digital transformation has been a great pushing tool for the entire construction industry. Many businesses have been empowered with this digital transformation process.

After the COVID pandemic, virtual space has reached another level. More and more companies are moving towards digital settings and remote working. The emergence of remote technology has been a boost to the industry. It has changed the construction industry positively by bringing positive processes to it.

Remote procedures are very important for construction projects nowadays. With the remote accessibility and usage, the use of BIM technology has also significantly increased. Most of the big companies have moved towards digital shift and are considering it to play a major role in their project delivery.

How has the modern construction process changed?

Photo by Lucas Kepner on Unsplash

The digital transformation in the sphere of construction happened with the introduction of CAD. That started the engineering specifications and calculations with the help of computerized systems. This was in the 1960’s. With every passing year CAD has developed tremendously and has enabled the draftsmen to work productively on CAD Drafting with the construction activities.

During the 1970’s, BIM or building information technology came into existence. It has taken the construction industry a level higher. Its collaborative efforts have been beneficial in bringing a smoother workflow in the construction process. The project life cycles are much organized and put together now. And now after the scenario of COVID, BIM has become the most crucial.

The change into Digital arena

The professionals in the area of construction have been facing many problems over the last few years. Productivity has been a major issue. It has become very crucial to increase the productivity level of the projects by streamlining the data. The users of BIM have been adamant in solving these issues efficiently.

Along with this issue, reworking is another factor that requires changes. It increases the budget of the project. And constant rework leads to inefficiency in the workflow and thus further decreases productivity.

Photo by Evgeniy Surzhan on Unsplash

Implementing BIM in all the construction practices resolves the mentioned issues. It forms an effective budgeting system that maintains the cash flow. The productivity is also affected positively due to the use of BIM tools. The entire project productivity is benefitted with Point Cloud to BIM Modeling. It decreases the amount of rework by around 85%. Thus, the shift towards the digital space of BIM has been a great motivating factor for the construction professionals.

Digitization trend in the industry

The aforementioned issues gave rise to the use of BIM in the construction sector. The digital trends going all around, in all the sectors has also been immensely valuable for the building construction process. All this has brought BIM in the front face of the industry.

Construction industry goes through constant modifications every single day. This means that it needs to be in a constant upgradation process to keep up with the trends. BIM makes this a collaborative procedure by implementing its best practices upfront. This ensures constructive planning and organizing of each part of the process.

BIM modeling is growing to be an inevitable part of the pre-construction phase. Adoption of which is highly beneficial for the contractors, facility managers, architects and engineers.

A centralized Revit 3D modeling is helpful for optimizing the role of construction. It decentralizes the operative measures. This way the stakeholders can work at ease, collaborate and communicate with the team members fluently and thus can reach a more informed decision making result.

Construction is considered as one of the most ancient industries. It has been relevant for the longest time. But with the digital introduction to it, the industry has soared greater heights. The characteristics of BIM are so accurately used in the construction industry that adopting it in the processes is the best practice one can opt for.



Chandresh Chudasama
Building Information Modeling

I am CEO at Archdraw Outsourcing which provides AutoCAD and Revit Services such as CAD Drafting, 3D Modeling, BIM, 3D Rendering, CAD Conversion, BIM Conversion.