The BIM methodology, a requirement for today’s engineers

Chandresh Chudasama
Building Information Modeling
3 min readAug 21, 2020
BIM Methodology

The BIM (Building Information Modeling) methodology is undoubtedly one of the main bets when it comes to optimizing the management and control of buildings and the different engineering jobs.

The Engineering sector is closely linked to technological advances and, in this matter, the profession is constantly advancing. In fact, innovation related to new tools, processes, methodologies and software is leading to a radical change in the organization and Project design.

BIM Outsourcing Services

It is a technology that allows all agents (engineers, architects, suppliers, etc.) to be brought together in a collaborative database based on a single information model. Thus, the modifications carried out by any of the parties are much simpler and are transmitted to the rest in real-time, which facilitates the optimization of efficiency. Still, wondering why its use is already a requirement for professionals in the sector?

7 reasons to train in BIM Methodology

We show you the main reasons why every engineer should be trained in BIM:

1. Imminent enforcement

The importance of BIM in architecture, engineering, construction, and manufacturing industries; this transformation means to increase profitability in the AEC industry for better buildings in more and better places. Since 2014, the European Parliament issued a directive to establish the BIM methodology in construction projects of public financing in the different member states. For this reason, the Ministry of Development decided to create the BIM Commission with the aim of making the use of this methodology mandatory in all public tenders.

2. Promotes the ability to work in a team

Its implementation creates the possibility of interactive collaboration between the different professionals, as well as an immediate adaptation between model and reality or detection of incompatibilities within the same Engineering project. Keep in mind that this technology combines development, management and modeling in the same system.

3. Allows virtual viewing

Viewing a project in real time and in three dimensions allows engineers to detect any type of error before physically carrying out actions.

4. Produces intangible advantages in projects

Net income from fees is increased and its quantification becomes easier, as is the impact of materials. In addition, the information of each project becomes more transparent and the fact of increasing the efficiency of resources and working on a new risk model also reduces errors and litigation and favors two-way communication.

5. Optimize costs

On the other hand, it should be noted that the methodology not only improves workflows, but also offers the possibility of estimating budgets. Therefore, adjusting costs and favoring savings even before the project is carried out is the order of the day for companies that work with BIM.

6. Greater job competition

You will learn to handle specific software to apply BIM (Autodesk Revit, ArchiCAD, Allplan) and calculation programs, modelers, viewers or render engines at the same time. And this, there is no doubt that it opens up opportunities in the Engineering job market, especially with regard to positions related to the control of the different phases of the projects.

7. Data related to BIM requirements

According to the latest report, the investment proposed by all public administrations in BIM contracts during 2018 amounted to more than 581.73 million euros. The investment in BIM infrastructure projects stood out, which reflected 50% of the total investment. On the other hand, this same document confirms that the bids with BIM requirements promoted in 2018 by the State Administration amounted to 27.24% of their total accumulated value.

In short, the BIM methodology is shown as the present and the future of Engineering. And you? What are you waiting for to acquire new knowledge as a professional and join this new methodology? Don’t hesitate to stay at the forefront of Engineering!



Chandresh Chudasama
Building Information Modeling

I am CEO at Archdraw Outsourcing which provides AutoCAD and Revit Services such as CAD Drafting, 3D Modeling, BIM, 3D Rendering, CAD Conversion, BIM Conversion.