Beyond Boundaries: Archethic’s ARCH Consensus and Signature Aggregation Shaping a New Blockchain Era

Archethic Editorial
Published in
4 min readFeb 5, 2024


I. A New Standard in Security: The ARCH Consensus

II. How does ARCH Consensus work?

III. Beyond Security: Tackling Efficiency and Storage

IV. Signature Aggregation: A Closer Look

V. Implementing BLS Signature Schema: A Glimpse into the Future

VI. A Leap Towards a More Secure and Efficient Blockchain Future

We are pleased to announce a groundbreaking innovation in the Archethic blockchain: Signature Aggregation.
This cutting-edge cryptographic implementation enhances the ARCH Consensus, significantly boosting both security and scalability.

By aggregating 200 signatures into a single aggregated signature, we are putting new standards for efficiency, without compromising on security.
This development is a testimony to our commitment to being ahead in the blockchain area with sustainable, and scalable solutions. You will read more on the implementations of Signature Aggregation in this article.

I. A New Standard in Security: The ARCH Consensus

At the heart of Archethic’s unprecedented security lies the ARCH Consensus, a sophisticated consensus mechanism designed to resist upto 90% malicious nodes. To place this into perspective, traditional giants in the blockchain space like Bitcoin and Ethereum can best withstand with threats up to 51% and 66% of malicious nodes, respectively. Archethic’s strong security framework is made possible through a unique consensus version primarily based on Hypergeometric Distribution.

II. How does ARCH Consensus work?

Imagine a system wherein to validate a transaction, 200 nodes are randomly selected (from a node election algorithm that mimics pseudo-randomness) from the p2p network. Each of these nodes need to reach a unanimous concurrent agreement for a transaction to be considered valid i.e all the 200 nodes need to reach an atomic commitment. This process guarantees that even if a single node detects an inconsistency, an advanced malicious detection and elimination algorithm immediately identifies and neutralizes the malicious behaviour, keeping the network’s integrity.

III. Beyond Security: Tackling Efficiency and Storage

Archethic does not stop at setting new safety benchmarks; it additionally addresses performance and storage. With millions and billions of transactions each requiring two hundred signatures, the network is bound to face storage problems. Thus, Signature Aggregation, Archethic’s elegant answer that aggregates 200 signatures into a single aggregated signature without compromising the security and further improving the scalability.

IV.Signature Aggregation: A Closer Look

This mechanism that allows to combine any number of signatures into a single signature through cutting edge cryptography, thereby substantially reducing the storage space required for each transaction. What’s greater, this aggregated signature can be verified using the public keys of the 200 nodes participating in the transaction, streamlining the verification technique and improving the network’s overall efficiency.

The Choice of BLS Signature Schema

Among the contenders for imposing signature aggregation — BLS, Merkle, and Schnorr’s Signature Schemas — BLS sticks out for its compatibility with Archethic’s necessities for efficiency, performance, and scalability. This preference underscores Archethic’s dedication to adopting present day answers for the betterment of its community.

V. Implementing BLS Signature Schema: A Glimpse into the Future

The adoption of BLS Signature Schema isn’t just a technical upgrade; it’s a strategic flow in the direction of attaining higher throughputs and making sure the Archethic’s sustainability. By permitting faster transaction verification and notably lowering storage sizes, Archethic is poised to deal with the exponential increase of blockchain transactions, setting a new industry standard for efficiency and scalability.

Below is the Rust Code for implementing Signature Aggregation in BLS.


VI. A Leap Towards a More Secure and Efficient Blockchain Future

Archethic’s revolutionary scalability and security, from its strong ARCH Consensus through the adoption of Signature Aggregation with BLS Signature Schema, marks a pivotal second in blockchain era. This new improvement increases the bar for safety and efficiency and also paves the way for an highly sustainable and scalable blockchain environment. As we undertake into this new technology, Archethic leads the Web 3.0 towards a greater stable, green, and inclusive digital destiny.

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