Swap with Confidence: Is Your Crypto Safe During Cross-Chain Transactions?

Margarita Manzanera
Published in
6 min readApr 6, 2023


Cross-chain swaps have become an essential part of the blockchain ecosystem. They allow users to exchange cryptocurrencies between different blockchains, enabling greater liquidity and expanding the use cases of different tokens. However, as with any financial transaction, security is a top priority. In this article, we’ll compare two popular cross-chain bridge technologies and explore their strengths and weaknesses in securing your funds during a swap.

Cross-chain bridges

What is it?

Cross-chain bridges are smart contract-based solutions that facilitate the transfer of assets between different blockchain networks. They act as a connector between two separate blockchains and allow for the transfer of assets without the need for a centralized intermediary. These bridges use a tokenized representation of the assets being transferred, which can be minted on one chain and burned on another.

How it works?

Cross-chain bridges rely on the use of smart contracts to facilitate the transfer of assets between different blockchain networks. These smart contracts act as escrow accounts that hold the assets being transferred until certain conditions are met. For example, a cross-chain bridge may require a certain amount of time to pass or a specific action to be taken before releasing the assets to their intended recipient.


  • Increased Liquidity: Cross-chain bridges allow for the transfer of assets between different blockchain networks, increasing liquidity and enabling users to access a wider range of assets.
  • Flexibility: Cross-chain bridges allow for the transfer of assets across different blockchain networks, offering greater flexibility and enabling users to take advantage of the unique features of each blockchain.


  • Security Risks: Cross-chain bridges rely on smart contracts, which can be vulnerable to attacks and exploitation by malicious actors.
  • Centralization: While cross-chain bridges aim to be decentralized, some may still rely on centralized nodes or gateways, introducing potential points of failure and control.


  • Thorchain:

Thorchain is a decentralized liquidity protocol that enables the transfer of assets between different blockchain networks. It uses a network of nodes to facilitate cross-chain swaps and requires no trusted intermediaries.

  • Poly Network:

Poly Network is a cross-chain interoperability protocol that enables the transfer of assets between different blockchain networks. It supports Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Polygon, among others.

  • Chainlink:

Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network that provides secure, reliable data feeds to smart contracts on various blockchain networks. It enables the transfer of data between different blockchains, acting as a cross-chain bridge.

Atomic Swap

What is it?

An atomic swap is a trustless, decentralized method of trading cryptocurrencies between two parties without the need for a middleman. It is called atomic because the transaction either occurs in its entirety or not at all. The process is secure and efficient, thanks to the use of smart contracts.

How it works?

Atomic swaps work through the use of Hashed Timelock Contracts (HTLCs), which are smart contracts that enable secure trading of cryptocurrencies across different blockchains. HTLCs use a sophisticated mathematical-based encryption known as “hash function”. In this process, the two parties involved in the transaction each create a unique hash value from a secret they hold. They then exchange the hashes without revealing the secrets. The transaction is only completed when both parties reveal their secrets, and the hash values match.Atomic swaps are typically conducted through two separate transactions, one on each blockchain.

For example, Alice wants to swap token X on Chain A for token Y on Chain B with Bob. Alice generates a secret and a lock from it using a hash function and creates a smart contract with the rules: send token X to Bob if he can provide the secret or refund the tokens to Alice after 24 hours. Bob generates a contract on Chain B, taking the lock from Alice’s with the rule: send token Y to Alice if she can provide the secret, or refund the tokens to Bob after 24 hours. Alice can claim the funds by revealing the secret in Chain B, which allows Bob to reveal the secret on Chain A, completing the transfer.


  • Trustless: Atomic swaps provide a trustless way of trading cryptocurrencies, which eliminates the need for a middleman or a third-party exchange. This reduces the risk of fraud, hacking, and theft.
  • Decentralized: Atomic swaps are a decentralized way of trading cryptocurrencies, which aligns with the core principles of blockchain technology.
  • Efficient: Atomic swaps are a fast and efficient way of trading cryptocurrencies, as they eliminate the need for multiple transactions and waiting periods.


  • Technical expertise: Atomic swaps require some technical knowledge to execute, which can make them challenging for less experienced users.
  • Limited liquidity: Atomic swaps are still a relatively new technology, and as such, there may be limited liquidity, which can make trading certain cryptocurrencies more challenging.
  • Compatibility issues: Atomic swaps require both blockchains to support the same cryptographic hashing algorithm. This can be a limitation for some cryptocurrencies, which may not support the same algorithms.


  • Archethic Bridge uses atomic swap to enable cross chain transfer in peer-to-peer and decentralized fashion on the Archethic Blockchain. This allows to transfer assets with cryptography security. It’s one of the rare blockchain layer 1 providing atomic swap.
  • Komodo’s decentralized exchange, AtomicDEX, uses atomic swaps to enable trustless peer-to-peer trades between different blockchain assets. AtomicDEX supports atomic swaps for several cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum, among others.


Cross-chain bridges are a promising solution that enables the transfer of assets between different blockchain networks. While they offer several benefits, including increased liquidity, they also come with some potential drawbacks, including security risks and centralization. As the blockchain ecosystem continues to evolve, cross-chain bridges will play a critical role in promoting interoperability and enabling users to take advantage of the unique features of each blockchain network.

Atomic swaps are a revolutionary technology that is transforming the way cryptocurrency trades are conducted. The use of smart contracts makes it possible for parties to exchange cryptocurrencies directly without the need for intermediaries, reducing the risk of fraud and improving efficiency. While atomic swaps are still relatively new, they hold immense potential for the future of the blockchain and cryptocurrency industries.




Margarita Manzanera

Blockchain content creator and writer at @archethic. Educating and inspiring readers on the latest developments and trends in the blockchain industry.