A Dynamic Discovery Event at UD

Mike McCoy
Archi Talk
Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2016
University of Dayton students brainstorming potential uses for a novel Air Force technology

In Day 2 of the new Fundamentals of Technology Ventures course at the University of Dayton, students participated in their first Application Discovery event.

During Application Discovery, participants listen to an inventor discuss their technology, then work in teams to ideate on potential market applications and load the output onto the ArchiTech platform.

AFRL Scientist, Igor Anisimov, (left) and President of TEC in Dayton, Scott Koorndyk (right), discuss the details of Mr. Anisimov’s Air Force technology at the University of Dayton

On Thursday (1/21), students heard from Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) researcher, Igor Anisimov, as he discussed the technical details of his dynamic laser pointer invention.

The dynamic laser pointer is an Air Force invention that allows a user to ‘split’ and ‘steer’ a laser beam in order to project points or images on a variety of surfaces, including curved or rough surfaces, using just a single laser and a controller.

The students were capitvated by Igor’s talk and their creative energy was put to work. The technology was originally used to project laser light onto flight controllers, but the students put their collective heads together to come up with a variety of potential applications, including projecting images on billboards, dynamic lighting design, and even for espionage data capture!

Applications discovered by students for the AFRL Dynamic Laser Pointer technology

We’re looking forward to seeing what the UD students will do next as they deep dive into the market potential for the technology.

Stay tuned on this technology by signing up at www.ArchiTechPlatform.com!



Mike McCoy
Archi Talk

Entrepreneur and technology commercialization consultant. Co-founder of ArchiTech Platform. Trying to unlock the potential of Defense techs for commercial use.