Women, it is Time to Take a Stand for Your Space. It is Time to Call Out Men.

Johanna Marie Pfab
Published in
4 min readNov 8, 2023

Artists plays a significant role in societal changes, their voices influences, evoke deep emotions, provoke thought, alter perceptions, inspire, bridge cultures, human and the divine. The question is : how can artist become catalysts for the next culture, Archearchy, to arise? Two women and three men gathered for the first time in Berlin to co-create the first Artist Lab for Archearchal Music! This story is what emerged from their time together.

From the first day all preconceived ideas of how this Lab will look like, slipped away, making room for the unexpected. Quickly, a significant and pivotal lesson emerged, one that I hadn’t been contemplating to such depths beforehand. It became clear that the essential and foundational step in creating such a sacred space for archetypal forces is to wholly disengage from modern culture and the pervasive influence of patriarchy. The reality is that the patriarchy has the potential to infiltrate even the most sacred spaces at any moment.

As a woman, one of my roles became to detetect any encroaching patriarchal energies. This fresh understanding has become a cornerstone in shaping the integrity and authenticity of this transformative space and for my life.

I felt angry because men often dominate discussions and conversations, leaving little room for women to share their thoughts and experiences. I want to have time to speak! I want this space where there is not pressure to speak in a certain way. My anger tells me that men and women operate at different speeds, and in a patriarchal context, women are frequently pressured to provide immediate answers and speak quickly, and if not, will unconsciously give their power away to men. Women deserve time and attention to properly articulate their experience. This requires a nurturing and active listening environment.

Suddenly I came with a proposal, that tonight, we, Women, will offer a space from the Archetypal Feminine to the Men. This came out of a necessity and my rage to create the space I want to be in, give a voice to the spaces in me that have something essential to share.

The two of us came together without having any idea about how this space would be. Ideas flowed so effortlessly that it did not take long to craft a space dedicated to the Feminine. Our first step was to reconnect the men with their sensuality, grounding them in the energy of the Feminine. To achieve this, we prepared a sacred altar adorned with a lush arrangement of flowers, a conch shell, a sculpture of a woman in a devotional posture, and candles, all set upon a velvety blue fabric. We prepared a cacao, that was calling in the Earth energy in us. We also offered the men the chance to anoint themselves at their crown, heart, and womb with Ylang Ylang or Rose essential oils. A moment of revelation struck, and we decided to invoke the power of the Oracle — the sacred portals through which the divine directly communicates with humanity. Tonight, we will be the Oracle for Men’s question to the Feminine.

With everything in place, we sensed that the time had come for the men to enter the sacred space of the Feminine. They stood at the door, awaiting our invitation. One by one, we welcomed them in, closing the door gently behind them. We took a moment to connect with each man, placing our hands on their shoulder blades, breathing into them for a minute. After a brief pause, we guided them to sit around the altar.

As we initiated the ceremony, we were guided by our fears and unknown potentials that were lying dormant. In this sacred space, we invited the presence of Bright Principles and Gaia, connecting with the earth and the ocean. As women, we synchronized with one another, creating an energy that was palpable.

The Oracle then spoke with a profound simplicity:

“We are waiting for you.”

A profound silence followed.

Then, the first question land in the space.

The Oracle’s words flowed effortlessly and unexpectedly from our mouths. As if guided by an unseen forces. Our voices and messages harmonized seamlessly, complementing one another with a deep inner knowing of when it was our moment to speak. The sacred energy within the space bound us together, creating a profound and powerful connection that seemed to transcend time and space.

I felt so alive, this is what else is possible. I realised how I am raging for holding my space and spaces for women. I realised it was time to take my longings seriously enough to reveal myself and to reveal women’s power to men.

It is time, time to wake up now !



Johanna Marie Pfab

The Fierce Vulnerable Way. Mentor, writer and explorer sharing the discoveries about intimacy, creativity and more. More https://linktr.ee/intimacyjourneyers