Archilyse Measures the Quality of Apartments and Recognizes a Long Neglected Need

Architecture Analysis
3 min readMar 25, 2019

Good floor plans can make vacancy struck apartments attractive again, announces the Swiss Real Estate Market Study 2019 by Credit Suisse. For its study the innovative software of the startup Archilyse was used to uncover quality parameters of architecture.

The analytical results of Archilyse were featured in one of the biggest Swiss newspapers (Article by Maren Meyer from

The floor plan makes the difference

The findings from the Credit Suisse Real Estate Market Study 2019 caused quite a stir in the press. Landlords increasingly have to do in-depth re-examinations of quality aspects of the properties they offer on the market; For example they have to assess aspects that make a great floor plan ( Because floor plans determine what benefits the tenants can draw from the rented property. “In the future, the floor plan will become increasingly important,” says Fredy Hasenmaile, Head of Real Estate Economics at Credit Suisse.

Archilyse measures the quality of living

The Swiss start-up Archilyse offers simulations and analyses, making living quality measurable and comparable for the first time, writes Maren Meyer from

Archilyse has recognized a need: The quality of floor plans becomes an important rental criterion. This makes tools like the one of Archilyse more and more important; to measure living qualities quickly and efficiently. (Image source: Archilyse)

Archilyse recognised that aspects such as light and noise exposure, size, shape and arrangement of spaces determine the living conditions of an apartment. With the help of algorithms, Archilyse makes the suitability of floor plans visible in various aspects. The startup provides simulations and analyses of the possible use of space, the furnishability and the static and acoustic characteristics of a home.

Use of latest research results

New technologies used by the startup Archilyse make it possible to quantify floor plan qualities and thus objectively distinguish good from bad floor plans. That floor plan characteristics play a central role in how the living quality is perceived, Matthias Standfest, the founder and CEO of Archilyse, has known for a long time: “There are clear statistical correlations, between the floor plan of an apartment and domestic violence or between daylight and cognitive performance with children”, quotes the Tagesanzeiger Standfest.

One-click evaluation of the floor plans

Currently, Archilyse is the only company that specializes in this kind of computer-aided analysis. Archilyse “has apparently discovered a need,” writes Marc Bürgi of the Handelszeitung. The generated data and simulations are already being used by real estate portfolios to further determine the rental price estimates. One specific advantage of the automated analyses is that the results of a floor plan can be collected without the need for an actual visit. The analytical results are made available to users in the form of key figures and heat maps. “The characteristics of the floor plan can be compared and the interested parties have key figures without having to visit the apartments”, says Standfest. Thanks to Archilyse, it will be easier for tenants to find a good apartments in the future.

In addition to the apartment-specific analyses, Archilyse also offers similar tools for office and retail use (Office Layout Optimisation).



Architecture Analysis

Archilyse is an online software service offering one-click analysis and comparison tables of architecture through an API.